Department of Public Policy - Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
3xk9j8m2The Factors Influencing Transit Ridership: A Review and Analysis of the Ridership Literature50111415413994
1mc9t108Reconsidering Social Equity in Public Transit40883113109103
9c14p6d5What's Youth Got to Do with It? Exploring the Travel Behavior of Teens and Young Adults29958799072
3d3884zdSeven Dimensions of Contemporary Participation Disentangled8420192619
1xb7f5k5Negotiating a Financial Package for Freeways: How California’s Collier–Burns Highway Act Helped Pave the Way for the Era of the American Interstate Highway812623248
1n60b6p6The impact of COVID‐19 on small business owners: Evidence from the first three months after widespread social‐distancing restrictions7616212811
1gm148mzReconsidering Social Equity in Public Transit7413271915
5w7063snWhose help is on the way?: The importance of individual police officers in law enforcement outcomes.71641843
6mn221nbBridging the Gap Between Pilot and Scale-Up: A Model of Antenatal Testing for Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections From Botswana7116142516
3qn0j9vfCognitive Mapping, Travel Behavior, and Access to Opportunity6813122518
4480h6s7Social Networks, Learning, and Flexibility: Sourcing Scientific Knowledge in New Biotechnology Firms6825131119
5w9045hhNature and/or nurture? Analyzing the determinants of transit ridership across US urbanized areas6815221714
2cw9m06wMeasuring Cost Variability in Provision of Transit Service642222713
51m2v0vzPublic Perceptions, Fiscal Realities, and Freeway Planning: The California Case6218111914
5m72f4n0Closing the Gap: Expanding Public Health Insurance Eligibility to Immigrants in Illinois 591319207
3409k4q7How Much Does a Transit Trip Cost?5110121811
7v58b6j2Do Strict Land Use Regulations Make Metropolitan Areas More Segregated by Income?491215157
30b7s24hZen in the Art of Travel Behavior: Using Visual Ethnography to Understand the Transit Experience465111713
74b3j4gqShelter from the Storm: Optimizing Distribution of Bus Stop Shelters in Los Angeles3899155
9qf2481rNot So Fast: A Study of Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in the San Francisco Bay Area37214111
0gd8j9k8Collaboration Structure and Information Dilemmas in Biotechnology: Organizational Boundaries as Trust Production3511987
1vt4q1r8How do hospitals respond to input regulation? Evidence from the California nurse staffing mandate.35311165
2rw9015mThe High Cost of Flat Fares: An Examination of Ridership Demographics and Fare Policy at the Los Angeles MTA35841112
6bh2n9wxCongestion and Accessibility: What's the Relationship3210697
8xr9j39wAmbiguity and Scientific Authority: Population Classification in Genomic Science3286810
55q9n7wsReport on the Implementation and Impacts of the V-SOURCE College Access Program3184910
5x8459hrZoning, Land Use, and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality.3118247
95p2k4jmSpatial Mismatch or Automobile Mismatch? An Examination of Race, Residence and Commuting in US Metropolitan Areas3168134
1kf5d54pVariable-Rate State Gasoline Taxes30112134
5vp9q702Race Matters: Income Shares, Income Inequality, and Income Mobility for All U.S. Races30136101
0f49t7hbThe Impact of Housing Vouchers on Crime in US Cities and Suburbs2916652
2db218nrThe Changing Nature Of Children’s Health Development: New Challenges Require Major Policy Solutions2874710
7fb2c66kCalifornia's Strengthened Housing Element Law: Early Evidence on Higher Housing Targets and Rezoning2885105
8v4897n0Predictability Versus Flexibility2873144
22s3k3c7Zoning and affordability: A reply to Rodríguez-Pose and Storper.269962
497445w7Vehicle access and falling transit ridership: evidence from Southern California2624119
4b8713mnSubsidized Housing and Crime258485
8tk6c6bsWhen Finance Leads to Planning: Urban Planning, Highway Planning, and Metropolitan Freeways in California259385
93v7d2jtSocial media and Russian territorial irredentism: some facts and a conjecture258863
02c5b99jWhat Explains the Gender Gap in Schlepping? Testing Various Explanations for Gender Differences in Household‐Serving Travel*2462115
4k4519pwCan Boosting Minority Car-Ownership Rates Narrow Inter-Racial Employment Gaps?247872
5zv0148sInvesting in the foundation of sustainable development: pathways to scale up for early childhood development2410284
8kk5g8ggA Taste for Transit? Analyzing Public Transit Use Trends among Youth248682
8kz7722kAccessibility and Cognition: The Effect of Transportation Mode on Spatial Knowledge249573
5fp7x7xcMeasuring the geography of opportunity2322118
3v9449jgContracting For Public Transit Services: Evaluating the Tradeoffs226781
6m8293j1Transit Service Contracting and Cost Efficiency223694
6p15s2p7Community-based Crisis Response: Evidence from Sierra Leone’s Ebola Outbreak223595
7hc1522wPreserving Neighborhood Opportunity: Where Federal Housing Subsidies Expire2234105

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.