California Policy Options

Parent: UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1j89z9w3Parking on a Smart Campus: Lessons For Universities and Cities1721413182.0%
07k0w0s8The Los Angeles Non-Profit Sector: A Profile959869.5%
98d66346Six: Structuring Inequality: How California Selectively Tests, Classifies, and Tracks Language Minority Students72482466.7%
33c9473wCalifornia Policy Options 202371442762.0%
2pk29665Seven: Protecting Against Transit Crime: The Importance of the Built Environment47321568.1%
74z8c302Seven: Justice for Janitors in Los Angeles4193222.0%
27p0k6ttSearching and Working: California’s Day Laborers and Worker Centers38122631.6%
114238spThe State of Black California36221461.1%
5db5h9tvPort Security: Improving Emergency Response Capabilities at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach35161945.7%
7bg1w1phFour: The "Business Improvement Districts" Revolution331323.0%
6rc8z30gPlaying Catch-Up: The Labor Movement in Los Angeles and San Francisco, 1985-20052832510.7%
1bm189vkWarren's Wedge: An Historical Perspective on Wedge Issues in California Politics2432112.5%
2bh529gzCalifornia Housing Policy23131056.5%
7qj1w7h9From Jerry-Rigged to Petered Out: Lessons from the Deukmejian Era for Contemporary California State Budgeting2231913.6%
8pd4d62hUnions and Direct Democracy in California: A New Pattern Emerging?2161528.6%
9z82f2x4Dealing with Public-Sector Labor Disputes: An Alternative Approach2012860.0%
04x0x8nxEight: Heart of the City: Development at Redondo Beach1941521.1%
19x3w2psCalifornia Policy Options: Supplying California’s Need for Nurses189950.0%
0t95m6rgCalifornia Policy Options 2022171165.9%
8fs9t32rSix: Competition for Natural Resources in California's Sierra Nevada178947.1%
3t12x46kBenefits and Costs for California from Water Transfers1551033.3%
05w4g04pPolice Reform by the Numbers: Will it Work?1331023.1%
3rs6p4gbThe Transportation-Welfare Nexus: Getting Welfare Recipients To Work1321115.4%
43h7z089Five: Unlimited Access: An Evaluation of the UCLA BruinGo Program and its Lessons for California1321115.4%
4cv7k3knCalifornia in the World Economy: Current Position, Long-Term Scenarios and Policy Making Challenges135838.5%
7s97f595California Political Forest 2008131127.7%
2t26q056At the Tipping Point: The Mortgage Meltdown and Its Implications for California and the Nation120120.0%
2vf4g4x2The State of California Politics129375.0%
3mn9c0w3Challenges Facing California’s Academic Libraries123925.0%
60s8h7jdRoadblocks to College: Opportunities for all California Students123925.0%
99p773nsEducation, Skill, and Wage Inequality: The Situation in California124833.3%
20p5s451Six: The Impact of Welfare Reform on California Latinos114736.4%
32j1c3rnSix: Pollution Prevention as a Regulatory Tool113827.3%
4fm012k4Eight: Crime Control Policy in California113827.3%
50b013mfAuthor's Biographies111109.1%
818030hkSix: Warren's Waterloo: The California Health Insurance Plan That Wasn't (And the New York Plan That Was and Is)113827.3%
12961732Eight: Contingent Workers in California105550.0%
24q8554jFour: Controlling Day Labor: Government, Community and Worker Responses102820.0%
3dp7g6mvAuthor's Biographies101910.0%
516242pdInformation Technology: Policy Development un Unchartered Territory103730.0%
62f3p7c3Eight: From the Age of Dragnet to the Age of the Internet: Tracking Changes within the Los Angeles Police Department107370.0%
8j6241zmFive: Reforming Educational Accountability102820.0%
8x28s5rvControlling Drug Use and Crime Among California's Drug-Involved Offenderes: Testing, Sanctions, and Treatment103730.0%
9tc519zcFollowing the Governor, Political Options in California for 2005105550.0%
12b138b6Seven: Southern California Survey92722.2%
2w4196sxWarren’s Way Back from the Budget Cliff: “Action, Action, Action”92722.2%
508803jxThree: Should California Adopt an Earned Income Tax Credit?93633.3%
50b478ztManaging California's New Water Wars92722.2%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.