UCLA Library

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
5mc39217Green Marketing: A Study of Consumer Perception and Preferences in India2,088545621457465
49n325b7An Introduction To Green Marketing2,041444548465584
55w7b8x8Addressing barriers to learning: In the classroom and schoolwide.867239172155301
39d3v236The Green Library Movement: An Overview and Beyond794214223154203
19p7z78sThe Newfoundland Cod Stock Collapse: A Review and Analysis of Social Factors747160190184213
6k83s5mvEco-labels: A tool for green marketing or just a blind mirror for consumers733187196168182
7730w81qOur Ecological Footprint: reducing human impact on the earth718172182152212
4b81g01zGuidelines for Efficient Archival Processing in the University of California Libraries (Version 4)692148151139254
02n4v17nBuffer Zones Around Protected Areas: A Brief Literature Review606161164134147
6mz2n6dgReview: Theories of Sustainable Development541141140113147
0bv114zh<strong>The Storm is Here: Public Libraries' Role in Disaster Preparedness and Community Recovery</strong>437437
4r70r2hsCircular Economy and Sustainability in Nigeria: Opportunities and Challenges for Development4199811310999
1835687gThe Spiritual Lives of Great Environmentalists: John Muir, Calvin DeWitt4101911633125
3jf6w2ckLiberate the Asian American Writer: Embracing the Flaws of Amy Tan's <em>The Joy Luck Club</em>391148968859
70k529rnGreen Marketing: The Impact of Green Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Behavior358877990102
3x11862zGreen Libraries Are More Than Just Buildings339601108188
87x39965Review: Theories of Information Behavior edited by Karen E. Fisher, Sanda Erdelez, and Lynne (E.F.) McKechnie334997350112
3m02x0dmExploring the Impact of Consumers' Attitudes towards Green Advertisements on the Intention to Purchase Green Products: The Mediating Role of Environmental Responsibility32869858886
7r11v6c6Suite for 2 Violins and Piano I - Western Dances3271151015952
6bh7j4z4Food For Thought: The Social Impact of Community Gardens in the Greater Cleveland Area30495546887
1cq3j0b0Electronic Waste Management in India: A Stakeholder’s Perspective29664929050
43q0c08kAdapting to Veganism in a Meat-Obsessed Country: Experiences, Identity Negotiation, and Strategies Against Misconceptions28753708876
2hn029m9Priestesses and Power: The Potency and Privilege of Prostitution27060855867
9sn4k8drThe Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music27078864363
8gc7w1b3A Green Legacy: 30 Years of Manuscript Publishing Trends in the Electronic Green Journal26750766378
2d37b8cxAstroenvironmentalism: The Case for Space Exploration As An Environmental Issue26279675462
6f91213qDo generations differ when it comes to green values and products?25954486295
6sj140dmReview: A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics, and Climate Policy by J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks24557675863
30r7s9nwIntersectionality at the Reference Desk: Lived Experiences of Women of Color Librarians24056675562
2z33g35rThe Bible on Environmental Conservation: A 21st Century Prescription23947406488
90n1f7twDoing the Right Things Right: Identifying the Factors that Influence the Success or Failure of Conservation Programs Using the Conservation Excellence Model23936558167
2t03q5bwThe Core Competencies - Research and Information Literacy at UCLA23776914327
8th6s7fcA Fragile Inheritance: Radical Stakes in Contemporary Indian Art235153541810
38m9n5knThe Theory of Justice in a Warming Climate22672516439
9gj5f4wrDesigning a Green Library in Alignment with the UN's Sustainable Development Goal: a Case Study of Rajagiri Business School Library, Kerala, India22650596156
0jh645k5A greener world through Collaborative Consumption of Apparel: An Exploratory Study of consumers’ perception and preferences22560596046
18s21581Just Pain: Zine #12245219
8635m0k8The Politics of Climate Change22333686161
2xf7304pChallenges and Hurdles in Establishing a Green Library: Strategies for Overcoming Them22047555068
0kj1q52j&nbsp;“The post-Cold War issues of the space conquest: Thoughts on the future of an increasingly attractive space”21560594353
1nt3z8fcThe Impact of Natural Resources on Civil Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo21071316048
0dg0m0nt“Numerical determination of Chern numbers and critical exponents for Anderson localization in tight-binding and related models”20851553567
1sn052vqEarth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, and Peace20660514649
00t326gxWhere the Green Is: Examining the Paradox of Environmentally Conscious Consumption19557355251
5269m2mnReview of The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change (Revised Edition) by Grady Klein and Yoram Bauman19537505157
4dg0t53rEnriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production19143446044
5gm071j9Food Sovereignty as Purpose and Strategy: the Role of Agriculture in the Zapatista Approach to Indigenous Autonomy and Governance from Below18920576052
9rv5b294The World's Water, 2000-2001: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources18753394451
40b200z6Lack of Robustness of Lasso and Group Lasso with Categorical Predictors: Impact of Coding Strategy on Variable Selection and Prediction&nbsp;&nbsp;18143484545

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.