The Williams Institute

Parent: UCLA School of Law

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4rs4n6h0Gender Identity Nondiscrimination Laws in Public Accommodations: a Review of Evidence Regarding Safety and Privacy in Public Restrooms, Locker Rooms, and Changing Rooms1,51981270753.5%
4xs990wsHow Many Adults and Youth Identify as Transgender in the United States?1,09889020881.1%
5qs218xdSocial Acceptance of LGBT People in 174 Countries: 1981 to 20171,01284616683.6%
09h684x2How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender?756636938.3%
45c9q04kLGBTQ People’s Experiences of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment74262611684.4%
80x75033Serving Our Youth: Findings from a National Survey of Services Providers Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Who Are Homeless or At Risk of Becoming Homeless6718558612.7%
9qs0n354Employment Discrimination against LGBT People: Existence and Impact66310755616.1%
03m1g5sgDocumented Evidence of Employment Discrimination & Its Effects on LGBT People6356557010.2%
509184bzLGBT People and Housing Affordability, Discrimination, and Homelessness6115565591.0%
5663q0w1Discrimination and Harassment by Law Enforcement Officers in the LGBT Community57512045520.9%
81z418hxThe Impact of Anti-DEI Legislation on LGBTQ+ Faculty in Higher Education5604619982.3%
8h08t0zfSame-Sex Couples and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Population: New Estimates from the American Community Survey541165253.0%
1pd9886nServing Our Youth 2015: The Needs and Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth Experiencing Homelessness4867541115.4%
3vt6t9zxThe Business Impact of LGBT-Supportive Workplace Policies44310433923.5%
3bp6b7dpPathways Into Poverty: Lived experiences among LGBTQ people4293804988.6%
8xg8061fSuicide Attempts Among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults377283497.4%
2zj46213A Gender Not Listed Here: Genderqueers, Gender Rebels, and OtherWise in the National Transgender Discrimination Survey3727030218.8%
1812g3hmSuicide Thoughts and Attempts Among Transgender Adults: Findings from the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey3702719973.2%
37b617z8LGBT Poverty in the United States: A study of differences between sexual orientation and gender identity groups31217114154.8%
3kn013krThe Relationship between LGBT Inclusion and Economic Development: An Analysis of Emerging Economies2986423421.5%
0gn4t6t3Lesbian, gay, and bisexual men and women in the US military: Updated estimates27892693.2%
5pq1q8d7Family Formation and Raising Children Among Same-sex Couples2777720027.8%
4p22m3kxTransgender Students in Higher Education2702264483.7%
650348qmImpact of HB 1557 (Florida's Don't Say Gay Bill) on LGBTQ+ Parents in Florida2692006974.3%
72t8q7pgNational Trends in Public Opinion on LGBT Rights in the United States2666120522.9%
6sd0q2d6The Impact of 2024 Anti-Transgender Legislation on Youth26316010360.8%
3rp0v7qvTransgender Parenting: A Review of Existing Research2523621614.3%
706057d5Best Practices for Asking Questions about Sexual Orientation on Surveys2466418226.0%
18z267ddLGBT Discrimination, Subnational Public Policy, and Law in the United States2451915478.0%
3kg32337Nonbinary LGBTQ Adults in the United States2381914780.3%
5h3731xrBias in the Workplace: Consistent Evidence of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination2253419115.1%
60b2x36cProhibiting Gender-Affirming Medical Care for Youth2172011692.6%
18t179czLGBT Youth Population in the United States2121446867.9%
6mg3n153Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in Foster Care: Assessing Disproportionality and Disparities in Los Angeles2082917913.9%
2v4528cxAdoption and Foster Care by Gay and Lesbian Parents in the United States2045215225.5%
0937z8tnConversion Therapy and LGBT Youth - Update1961306666.3%
0q56r56rLGBTQ People on Sex Offender Registries in the US1811018055.8%
68w3x4czAdult LGBT Population in the United States1761215568.8%
53x3r16jLGBT Identity: A Demographer’s Perspective1751631293.1%
7gr4970wResearch Report on LGB-Parent Families1743913522.4%
1t24j53hTransgender Military Service in the United States1711915211.1%
4p93w90cPublic Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Gay Rights across Time and Countries1642513915.2%
8dq9d947New Patterns of Poverty in the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community1622913317.9%
17m036q5The LGBT Divide: A Data Portrait of LGBT People in the Midwestern, Mountain & Southern States159151449.4%
3k56b4b4Parenting and Child Development in Adoptive Families: Does Parental Sexual Orientation Matter?150737748.7%
0d651947Public Opinion of Transgender Rights in Malaysia145588740.0%
9xs6g8xxLGBT Parenting in the United States144101346.9%
3qk7s1g6Best Practices for Asking Questions to Identify Transgender and Other Gender Minority Respondents on Population-Based Surveys141657646.1%
1kz2t8c8Adult LGBT Population in the United States1371172085.4%
3cb5b8zjLGBT People and Housing Affordability, Discrimination, and Homelessness137716651.8%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.