The Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance

Parent: UCLA School of Law

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
3cj6w4mjThe Doctrine of Discovery: The International Law of Colonialism1,473245292383553
5px8f641Editorializing ICWA: 40 Years of Colonial Commentary27855627388
6q54b6fhRevitalizing Stewardship and Use of Tribal Traditional Territories: Options for Improving California Policy and Law in State-Managed Lands and Waters14942343538
1m35q36bE OLA KA ‘ŌLELO HAWAI‘I: Protecting the Hawaiian Language and Providing Equality for Kānaka Maoli11425374210
4jr5c5xpOf Reservation Boundary Lines and Judicial Battle Lines, Part 1—Reservation Diminishment/Disestablishment Cases from 1962 to 1975: The Indian Law Justice Files, Episode 111439292719
29c093sx'Paradigm Wars' Revisited: New Eyes on Indigenous Peoples' Resistance to Globalization11337192928
8m79t9kfReframing Kānāwai: Towards a Restorative Justice Framework for Indigenous Peoples11128332723
6fg4j1txSami Peoples Land Claims in Norway, Finmark Act and Providing Legal Title9121302416
7s6639wtEnvironmentalism and Human Rights Legal Framework: The Continued Frontier of Indigenous Resistance8421232317
7hd6n6b3The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Defense of the Indian Child Welfare Act8327142121
2g28d6qdE PULE KĀKOU! (LET US PRAY!): Constitutionality and Practicability of Public School Sponsored Native Hawaiian Prayers733914128
65g096w5Decolonization of Language Policy in Arctic Canada - Letter to the Editor7324181516
80m414dtBroadband Internet Access: A Solution to Tribal Economic Development Challenges641226179
5r08d7kkEagle Permits, RFRA, and American Indian Religious Freedom: Legal Avenues for First Amendment Protection5615121811
44f3q4xcMaasai Resistance to Cultural Appropriation in Tourism53112499
8hz2d2kmBranding and Commercialisation of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions: Customary Law of North East vis-à-vis Contemporary Law5218131110
3rq6f519Foundations of Tribal Society: Art, Dreams, and the Last Old Woman491481017
7z40x9jdInternational Traditional Knowledge Protection and Indigenous Self Determination48187149
1043285cMoney Talks, Banks are Talking: Dakota Access Pipeline Finance Aftermath34135106
60z2701tFront Matter31105124
2105s8fwFront Matter27113103
68k4p0s4Distant Thunder2735118
9hr3q96xWhat Then Remains of the Sovereignty of the Indians? The Significance of Social Closure and Ambivalence in <em>Dollar General v. Mississippi Choctaw</em>2756106
4hr2h1f7Reframing "Art" to Art: Deterring Looters and Injecting Contemporary Native American Art Through Charitable Deductions249366
2c16f67rIntroduction: Global Dimensions of Indigenous Self-Determination235675
5mc9m5mtCreating a Culture of Traffic Safety on Reservation Roads: Tribal Law &amp; Order Codes and Data-Driven Planning2110335
2jk9w76pLost in Translation: A translation that set in motion the loss of Native American spiritual sites175453
9h49k7t4White Man’s Elixir153561
7rn3s1s6Front Matter134441
7w6177vz“Water is Life” Editoon132353
8vd0j21xLetter to the Editor: Aloha ‘Āina133352
0dv972kzCall to Arms123342
5d9729p6Front Matter124251
84n5w7dbFront Matter123243
60f7n4djFront Matter11542
745268mtTable of Contents113233
1v53x690Letter from the Editor91341
1xv859qwTable of Contents9333
65h3b980Gallery I92142
9hv4t85hGallery II91332
23x259ptTable of Contents83122
80s2d03cOceti Sakowin Camp81151

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.