UCLA Department of French and Francophone Studies

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
7p92b81t“Under a Foreign Sky:” Place and Displacement in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room19752324469
8qt465qhThe Abject: Kristeva and the Antigone19755484450
8jx194fwChronique d’une mort annoncée : les métamorphoses du pouvoir dans Le Légataire universel (1708)17532326447
96b0x72cModern Transitions in 19th Century Paris: Baudelaire and Renoir14523353849
9p34b4n1Le discours fantastique de La Morte amoureuse12625452828
5899b43tLaïcité in the French Public School System : an exception française ?12528402730
2wc036nvMaupassant nouvelliste: personnage féminin et adultère11720572812
9x23439nLes Géorgiques de Claude Simon : la particularité de la généralisation11230302329
3891m6db« Je ne suis pas de la famille » : Queerness as Exception in Gide's L 'immoraliste and Genet's Journal du Voleur11027232931
7b14d5wnMagic and Mesmerism in Saint Domingue10430203123
7444f0z3The Logic of the Undecidable: An Interview with René Girard10022273615
0ns0j1n9The (Wo)Man in the Iron Mask: Cross-dressing, Writing and Sexuality in L'Histoire de la Marquise-Marquis de Banneville9922263021
7dn778pkMemory as Construction in Viollet-le-Duc's Architectural Imagination9820292326
4sj933mbGhost-Ridden Authors/Ghost-Written Texts: Female Phantoms in Two Works by André Breton and Georges Bataille9624252423
8p45g78nLe nationalisme de Barrès : Moi, la terre et les morts9529192126
3w76w31cLe troc des femmes ou la révolte de Dora8917262026
4pf9v8f2“Ceux-là Qui Partent pour Partir”: Travel as Relinquishment in Charles Baudelaire's Le Voyage8726192319
80d3h4rxNom du père / nom d'auteur : les origines énigmatiques du Fresne8723172126
0hf6j7v5"What About the Audience? What About Them?" : Spectatorship and Cinematic Pleasure8624191825
1d48d7wxBetween fantasque and fantasmagorique: a fantastic reading of Balzac's La Peau de Chagrin8613332317
1323z44wMichelet et le renouvellement de l’Histoire : une subversion du passé monarchique au profit d’une mémoire républicaine ?8526171923
28g992w9Exile and Identity in the Plays of Maryse Condé8522212814
7qz8v7jf‘Le grand fantôme’ : Actor as Specter in Diderot’s Paradoxe sur le comédien8521242119
06m9d9r0Classical Aesthetics, Modem Ethics: Lacan, Kierkegaard, Sophocles, Anouilh8323211821
0bj5t7hwAn Elusive Vision: Genesis and Apocalypse in <em>Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein</em>8320182619
0p58k5dcThe Summit of Violence: Cruelty in the work of Artaud and Bataille8316202225
58q2k2nhThe Unity of Hérédia’s Antony and Cleopatra Sequence8222221721
8031p7smMémoires du « bled » : Entretien avec Alain Ricard8221222019
1g95g1s9‘That God Within:’ Writing Female Genius from Diderot to Staël8119222416
27v5k4gcAn Interview with Jonathan Culler8117212122
1879912wPerforming the Immigrant: The Works of Calixthe Beyala and Fatou Diome8024211619
75z5r782Bodies of Enlightenment in Diderot's Encyclopédie8024151427
9x11c70qFrench Folie: Memory and Madness in Buñuel’s Belle de Jour7921142321
7tm4j8wdLa création d’un idéal national français à travers la redécouverte de La Chanson de Roland par Léon Gautier7723191718
7v9615hgThe Profound Complicity of George Batailie's Blue of Noon7718231521
8xm8x3v6(Auto)biographic Algerian Travels of Albert Camus and Assia Djebar7618291514
1gr5c8crThe Ghetto Novels of Guillaume Dustan7521201816
4r82s45pCharting Collaborative Practices: Acknowledgements7517192217
6h90406n"I am a Woman": The Body as Background in The Second Sex7319101826
2jf516kbLa Dame pipi du quarante-quatrième étage: l’exil et la marge dans Stupeurs et Tremblements d’Amélie Nothomb7217211816
3d48x20gJamming the Machine: Yves Klein's Blue Monochrome and the End of the Avant-Garde7020121820
5031q3jsExquisite Corpses: Representations of Violence in the Collective Surrealist Unconscious6919141818
3fj1s346Le Passage ou l'architecture du devenir6715211615
1pz7t9qnLes plis dans les puits: Identity and Narrative in Myriam Warner-Vieyra's Juletane662014923
24v3331gGenre-Crossing: Kingston's The Woman Warrior and Its Discursive Community6619122213
4j7246jkGeorges Perec--La Disparition des manipulations sur le langage pour interpréter le réel6621221211
3vz2d3djLe bijou dans l’œuvre de Baudelaire : une mutilation symbolique6519151615
8h50z8dfMichel Houellebecq: The Impossibility of Being an Island6413171420
6pj4f154Alain Robbe-Grillet: Sex and Violence or the Destruction of the Traditional Novel6117112013
8zr1t8xjAssia Djebar’s Vaste est la prison: Platform for a New Space of Agency and Feminine Enunciation in Algeria6017141514

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.