Research Reports

Parent: Department of Biostatistics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
2nt2p3dtBipartite tight spectral clustering (BiTSC) algorithm for identifying conserved gene co-clusters in two species.7216201323
6v89z9ksA Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Finding Optimal Designs for Mixture Models7023151319
2c88m2h5A Unifying Bayesian Approach for Sample Size Determination Using Design andAnalysis Priors65891038
55h4h0w7Fuzzy Forests: Extending Random Forests for Correlated, High-Dimensional Data4613101211
8848228cHierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian Process Models for Large Geostatistical Datasets37813610
16b7929kStatistical hypothesis testing versus machine-learning binary classification: distinctions and guidelines.288569
8pm5v0f8Highly Scalable Bayesian Geostatistical Modeling via Meshed Gaussian Processes on Partitioned Domains2747412
58c1r34hHigh-dimensional MultivariateGeostatistics: A Conjugate BayesianMatrix-Normal Approach2611456
88c7t942Multivariate Directed Acyclic Graph Auto-Regressive (MDAGAR) models for spatial diseases mapping268639
9dw7s0x3Network modeling in biology: statistical methods for gene and brain networks.2652910
5cr096ptJoint Clustering and Registration of Functional Data2510546
9vw0p4pnMinimax optimal designs via particle swarm optimization methods258467
1zz0p2d2Time-Varying Effect Modeling with Longitudinal Data Truncated by Death:  Conditional Models, Interpretations and Inference2310436
4w60b16nInferring Brain Signals Synchronicity from a Sample of EEG Readings2382310
61n8h2npNon-Local Priors for High Dimensional Estimation2312416
3qh2c1jpOptimizing Two-Level Supersaturated Designs Using Swarm Intelligence Techniques225557
4j94x6cxIdentifying Longitudinal Trends within EEGExperiments227519
06x6x7cbRARtool: A MATLAB Software Package for Designing Response-Adaptive Randomized Clinical Trials with Time-to-Event Outcomes20839
1wn7s0xnA bootstrap lasso + partial ridge method to construct confidence intervals for parameters in high-dimensional sparse linear models.204718
216065szOn identifiability and consistency of the nugget in Gaussian spatial process models202648
8781x807Bayesian Analysis of Curves Shape Variation through Registration and Regression20875
9k3819jnBivariate Left-Censored Bayesian Model for Predicting Exposure: Preliminary Analysis of Worker Exposure during the <em>Deepwater Horizon </em>Oil Spill1934111
0281896nHigh-Dimensional Bayesian Geostatistics185445
5gk1d91dFinding Bayesian Optimal Designs for Nonlinear Models: A Semidefinite Programming-Based Approach189126
9kc7q9pkA Two-step Estimation Approach for Logistic Varying Coefficient Modeling of Longitudinal Data184536
0gs54401Scalable Sparse Cox's Regression for Large-Scale Survival Data via Broken Adaptive Ridge173329
4b76m8mnBayesian Modeling and Analysis for Gradients in Spatiotemporal Processes164435
6mr2986tPractical Bayesian Modeling and Inference for Massive SpatialDatasets On Modest Computing Environments161429
93j573sbJoint Inference for Competing Risks Data165416
9hw6s7ksPseudo-Likelihood Based Logistic Regression forEstimating COVID-19 Infection and Case FatalityRates by Gender, Race, and Age in California163616
1198466sMultivariate spatial meta kriging154236
55x673tdNon-Separable Dynamic Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian Process Models for Large Spatio-Temporal Data With An Application to Particulate Matter Analysis156414
9sg1r2xjCluster-Randomized Trial to Increase Hepatitis B Testing among Koreans in Los Angeles154344
0bf3t830A Semi-Infinite Programming based algorithm for determining T-optimum designs for model discrimination14446
0s71z8wgSpatial Factor Modeling: A BayesianMatrix-Normal Approach for Misaligned Data14527
3dw8x1xxWeb-based Supplementary Materials for Bayesian Modeling and Analysis for Gradients in Spatiotemporal Processes by Quick et al.132227
41s0g6qnA Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Finding Optimal Designs for Mixture Models&nbsp;13517
9n90r7hqPrediction Summary Measures for a Nonlinear Model and for Right-Censored Time-to-Event Data133424
3z75f3dcCoastline Kriging: A Bayesian Approach12336
63q0c96rCluster-Randomized Trial to Increase Hepatitis B Testing among Koreans in Los Angeles12525
8s28722kMultivariate left‐censored Bayesian modeling for predicting exposure using multiple chemical predictors122217
978454rcMeta-Kriging: Scalable Bayesian Modeling andInference for Massive Spatial Datasets123135
0z02f0jhEfficient and Ethical Response=Adaptive Randomizaiton Designs for Multi-Arm Clinical Trials With Weibull Time-to-Event Outcomes11425
1j63v3q0Multiple-Objective Optimal Designs for Studying the Dose Response Function and Interesting Dose Levels112315
3p82z70sDetection of carotid artery calcification on the panoramic images of post-menopausal females is significantly associated with severe abdominal aortic calcification: a risk indicator of future adverse vascular events11236
4s84j9g5Bayesian modeling and uncertainty quantificationfor descriptive social networks113224
397675wnOn Tensor-based Multidimensional Models for Disease Mapping10424
820036bcBayesian State Space Modeling of PhysicalProcesses in Industrial Hygiene103115
6z09s1xrSpatial Joint Species Distribution Modeling usingDirichlet Processes9225

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