Department of History

Parent: UC Irvine

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
42n1b201Gendered Nations:The French Revolution and Women’s Political Participation16740335044
2zf0j5zrForensic Science and Miscarriages of Justice10220213922
8fg9w5h1Science, Technology, Society, and Law7511262216
3nt095w4Constructive Dissent: UC Irvine as a Case Study for the American Student Movement against the Vietnam War6913202412
4bk183pdWhat Students Think About Free Speech.54335124
63t6654w‘That All Her Increase Shall Be Free’: enslaved women's bodies and the Maryland 1809 Law of Manumission501312169
28k037jxShould Judges Worry About the 'CSI Effect'?431510135
63r8t6t7Tycho Brahe, De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis (Uraniborg: Christophorus Weida, 1588), chapter 6 (selections)42127149
7874j1f4Mothers Who Kill: Infanticide in the Pennsylvania Gazette,1728-180039891210
0mk856wcMt. Everest—we are going to lose many: a survey of fingerprint examiners’ attitudes towards probabilistic reporting381071011
5d95c078Llamas, Snakes, and Indigenous Colonial Equivalency in the Andes3510898
6zv0701pMore History Than Myth: African American Women's History Since the Publication of Ar'n't I a Woman?35107153
79n1z42vPromiscuous SignificationLeprosy Suspects in a Photographic Archive of Skin33141063
1r30f4knEmbodied Minds: Hearts and Brains in Psychiatry and Chinese Medicine3213955
9jk8j6tkAdmissibility Compared: The Reception of Incriminating Expert Evidence (i.e., Forensic Science) in Four Adversarial Jurisdictions3151115
1dx6s3tcMedieval Misogyny or Gendered Politics: Rethinking John Gerson (1363–1429)2876105
1jf7x6qvThe deadly sins and contemplative politics: Gerson's ordering of the personal and political realms2865116
86t3n2tfMonastic Sinscapes, the Bird’s-Eye View, and Oppressive Silences2885114
9hm3z1k6Individual and collective identification in contemporary forensics2891153
0b78d8j4Black Women’s History and the Labor of Mourning2728152
35p208bh"The Relics of Slavery" Interracial Sex and Manumission in the American South266389
2wp8665hScandal, Fraud, and the Reform of Forensic Science: The Case of Fingerprint Analysis2514146
7kx5g0qtGerson as a Preacher in the Conflict Between Mendicants and Secular Priests257891
6gf526wnArchitectural Cultures and Empire: The Ghurids in Northern India (ca. 1192-1210)2312263
9f12b4hwEstablishing culpability Forensic technologies and justice236476
6n98m0rp: A Global Enlightenment: Western Progress and Chinese Science227672
2xj6b537Law's artefacts: Personal rapid transit and public narratives of hitchhiking and crime.215493
5383g6kbIn Pursuit of “Useful” Knowledge: Documenting Technical Innovation in Sixteenth-Century Potosí217563
3308b1vvThe Rise and Fall of the Soviet Youth Theater TRAM2024113
7j73k63kMyMoralPanic: Adolescents, social networking, and child sex crime panic191693
0kt2g20zSplitting Hairs? Evaluating 'Split Testimony' as an Approach to the Problem of Forensic Expert Evidence181566
0qf2s5fvSexuality and the Unnatural in Colonial Latin America1834101
3cz455rkDavis v. Mississippi, 394 U.S. 721 (1969)18657
5433c343Book Review: Tracing Technologies: Prisoners’ Views in the Era of CSI186471
33x6f8h8Forensic bitemark identification: weak foundations, exaggerated claims.176263
3hb4x4zdA Tale of Two Cities? Locating the History of Forensic Science and Medicine in Contemporary Forensic Reform Discourse AFTERWORD176641
70q8371zDavis v. Mississippi (1969)172312
26n8x5r5Police Misconduct in Exoneration Cases in Los Angeles County151482
3mp3t6tbBrahe, Tycho De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis (Uraniborg: Christophorus Weida, 1588), chapter 6 (selections)151662
4vf6524gThe Contribution of Forensic and Expert Evidence to DNA Exoneration Cases: An Interim Report15843
8bm3t8brOut of the House of Bondage: The Transformation of the Plantation Household155271
4fw714zkAutopsy of a crime lab: Exposing the flaws in forensics. By Brandon L. Garrett. Oakland: University of California Press, 2021. 264 pp. $29.95 hardcover143173
7d40h23sProbabilistic reporting in criminal cases in the United States: A baseline study14626
0t38h8njDavid A. Harris: Failed Evidence: Why Law Enforcement Resists Science136151
56w133vxPamila Gupta. The Relic State: St. Francis Xavier and the Politics of Ritual in Portuguese India. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 2014. 304 pp. ISBN: 9780719090615. £70.00.134153
8hg675fwThe Violence of Care: Rape Victims, Forensic Nurses, and Sexual Assault Intervention131462
9nc247rwScience without Precedent: The Impact of the National Research Council Report on the Admissibility and Use of Forensic Science Evidence in the United States13625

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.