UCI Open Access Publishing Fund

Parent: UC Irvine Libraries

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
0dc0c197A moving-barber-pole illusion.511717107
0k456631Examining the Social Porosity of Environmental Features on Neighborhood Sociability and Attachment491713811
8kd8f8dnBoosting Language Skills of English Learners Through Dramatization and Movement36101484
97h8348vProton Pump Inhibitors and Lower Serum Ferritin Levels in 171 HFE C282Y Homozygotes in the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening Study35121436
1xn7v1pbShrink-Induced Silica Structures for Far-field Fluorescence Enhancements3188114
4tn6w6fsCervical HPV Infection in Female Sex Workers: A Global Perspective.28123103
2fn9n93fChanges in concurrent monthly precipitation and temperature extremes2712663
32z5r0m1Hierarchical vector auto-regressive models and their applications to multi-subject effective connectivity.27101124
45z0h6bjMedia's role in broadcasting acute stress following the Boston Marathon bombings.239662
02k1k8qsMembrane Biophysics Define Neuron and Astrocyte Progenitors in the Neural Lineage21975
2z06323gWhite Paper: OER Adoption Study: Using Open Educational Resources in the College Classroom219264
9c20x30v"The only one who was thought to know the pulse of the people": Black women's politics in the era of post-racial discourse218544
45z9z0wwFinal Progress Report - California Open Educational Resources Council196553
6s5549fcOutsourcing CO<sub>2</sub> within China.186381
2fz7t67pQuasiparticle representation of coherent nonlinear&nbsp;optical signals of multi-excitons17593
6zd2b3bkFrom blood to the brain: can systemically transplanted mesenchymal stem cells cross the blood-brain barrier?164642
7ck837gqDistinct processes shape flashbulb and event memories166244
77t9g53zVitamin D (25OHD) Serum Seasonality in the United States.155721
7vh7z6hkIssues Related to HCI Application of Fitts's Law153453
0n87c9jgDrop Out and "Disconnected" Young Adults: Examining the Impact of Neighborhood and School Contexts146332
7f60m5c5Barriers and Facilitators in the Recruitment and Retention of Peruvian Female Sex Workers in a Randomized HPV Vaccine Trial144622
16m8v9vgInfluenza Mortality in the United States, 2009 Pandemic: Burden, Timing and Age Distribution136331
3999z4xpEnsemble-based methods for forecasting census in hospital units13634
6md026pcNovel Molecular and Nanosensors for In Vivo Sensing137132
3tc1s456Brain-computer interface controlled robotic gait orthosis124431
6v12w7xfFlexible shrink-induced high surface area electrodes for electrochemiluminescent sensing92331
1hb306c7Operation of a brain-computer interface walking simulator for individuals with spinal cord injury844
3pp5n2t0Travel patterns during pregnancy: comparison between Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking and questionnaire data.82231
5285k90fA perspective on time: loss frequencies, time scales and lifetimes84112
8k40h29kTo grab the stroma by the horns: from biology to cancer therapy with mesenchymal stem cells.8323
6xw0j5vtSimilarities in the Age-Specific Incidence of Colon and Testicular Cancers.5221

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.