ICLEI – International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

Parent: Center for Innovative Diplomacy Archive

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
1nn015ncProposal for the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives2881037
3dx289q1The Talk of the Town; Note and Comments247566
5558p181U.S., Canadian cities join together to launch battle against air pollution227645
8018v71z24 Cities Creat group to Protect Ozone Layer2210417
7fv5d27rCalifornia city puts ozone-eaters on diet215637
46f5f3vtWorld Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future: Acting Locally for a Sustainable Future196517
367065m2Fighting city hall to become global187425
5db0n36xWorld Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future; September 5-8, 1990, The United Nations, New York, USA165218
7h52g6n7City Activism: When foreign policy begins at home164516
0jf9z2k0How mayor's global view plays in land of the GOP151428
0vx8d4pvFrustrated by global Ozone Fight, California City Offers Own Plan152445
3rn467qdCalifornia MeasureCity Adopts Banning CFCs151437
6t0785gwNations to Stem Growing Crisis Spurs Action by Civic Leaders Launch Effort to Save Ozone: Inability of Delegates at Irvine Conference154254
8m4724hgWorld faces turmoil: economist152238
9fj5j3pgProposed Agenda for Meeting of the executive Committee International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives153417
6110d5ctIrvine council votes landmark ban on all chemicals that harm ozone14356
90d2h86tGoing on the Offense Over Ozone135224
42w5s69vFollow these pioneers123324
5n6136q3Ordinance no. :  an Ordinance of the City of Irvine Governing the manufacture, distribution, Sale and Recycling of Products Which Utilize Ozone-depleting Compounds.124413
9st2m3sxCities Begin Action on the Environment121524
3c033617Letter – Mayor Bernard Sanders to President Ronald Regan - October 26, 1982102125
9936h4znOzone Depletion; the Greenhouse Effect.  The North American Conference for a Stratospheric Protection Accord. July 21 -22, 1989. The University of California Irvine.102116
1s14f4bqSaying No to CFCs92124
9xc4k3n1Irvine Sets Example in Move to Protect Ozone9234
3pq9k86gCalifornia City Restricts CFC Use, Production8215

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