ICLEI – International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

Parent: Center for Innovative Diplomacy Archive

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
1nn015ncProposal for the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives31108103
3dx289q1The Talk of the Town; Note and Comments246756
5558p181U.S., Canadian cities join together to launch battle against air pollution247764
8018v71z24 Cities Creat group to Protect Ozone Layer2161041
7fv5d27rCalifornia city puts ozone-eaters on diet206563
46f5f3vtWorld Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future: Acting Locally for a Sustainable Future197651
6t0785gwNations to Stem Growing Crisis Spurs Action by Civic Leaders Launch Effort to Save Ozone: Inability of Delegates at Irvine Conference187425
0vx8d4pvFrustrated by global Ozone Fight, California City Offers Own Plan166244
367065m2Fighting city hall to become global163742
5db0n36xWorld Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future; September 5-8, 1990, The United Nations, New York, USA168521
7h52g6n7City Activism: When foreign policy begins at home155451
0jf9z2k0How mayor's global view plays in land of the GOP147142
1s14f4bqSaying No to CFCs127212
3rn467qdCalifornia MeasureCity Adopts Banning CFCs124143
42w5s69vFollow these pioneers124332
5n6136q3Ordinance no. :  an Ordinance of the City of Irvine Governing the manufacture, distribution, Sale and Recycling of Products Which Utilize Ozone-depleting Compounds.123441
6110d5ctIrvine council votes landmark ban on all chemicals that harm ozone11335
9fj5j3pgProposed Agenda for Meeting of the executive Committee International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives113341
8m4724hgWorld faces turmoil: economist103223
90d2h86tGoing on the Offense Over Ozone101522
9st2m3sxCities Begin Action on the Environment91152
3c033617Letter – Mayor Bernard Sanders to President Ronald Regan - October 26, 198272212
3pq9k86gCalifornia City Restricts CFC Use, Production6321
9936h4znOzone Depletion; the Greenhouse Effect.  The North American Conference for a Stratospheric Protection Accord. July 21 -22, 1989. The University of California Irvine.62211
9xc4k3n1Irvine Sets Example in Move to Protect Ozone6123

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