Department of Sociology

Parent: UC Davis

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
0gd9h8f0Sex Work: A Comparative Study13425442441
70q394h1Knowledge Communities in US Foreign Policy Making: The American China Field and the End of Engagement with the PRC12922294929
3tx1d50cThe fiscal and human costs of immigrant detention and deportation in the United States10527252924
8q27t1zfAmerican Power and International Theory at the Council on Foreign Relations, 1953-547523241414
8x74p9q9Cyberbullying in Children and Youth: Implications for Health and Clinical Practice581716817
7v87v3j0Real and Imagined Barriers to College Entry: Perceptions of Cost521761613
4d1961w1THE TOLL OF INEQUALITY484161018
0gt3n821Mothers and Fathers Matter: The Influence of Parental Support, Hostility, and Problem Solving on Adolescent Friendships47915815
1k34d421Second-generation Central Americans and the formation of an ethnoracial identity in Los Angeles454111713
28d4217bMeasuring ‘neighborhood’:  Constructing network neighborhoods451412109
6322f1d5STEM Education451014147
02h5b6tkChanging times and subjective well-being in urban China 2003–2013: An age-period-cohort approach43156139
01n3g9crAnything but Inevitable: How the Marshall Plan Became Possible4246824
90w910n8Hegemonic Field Effects in World Politics: The United States and the Schuman Plan of 195042614148
8jw067gkSocial futures of global climate change: A structural phenomenology39118416
363993srTrends and correlates of post-retirement employment, 1977–20093777221
94v0h724The Changing U.S. China Watching Community and the Demise of Engagement with the People’s Republic of China3777914
3t47p11nBeyond the Stalled Gender Revolution: Historical and Cohort Dynamics in Gender Attitudes from 1977 to 201636910611
3z4736vfCompensatory Sponsorship in Higher Education29113213
6m89w7n9Lonely in a Crowd: Cohort Size and Happiness in the United Kingdom288884
15t7x6vvRelationships, resources, and political empowerment: community violence intervention strategies that contest the logics of policing and incarceration.27103410
6mr4w4x5Understanding US Immigration Detention: Reaffirming Rights and Addressing Social-Structural Determinants of Health.2615515
93x7m195Loans and Leaving: Migration and the Expansion of Microcredit in Cambodia2646511
0jd5g9vnOccupational sex segregation and the earnings of occupations: What causes the link among college-educated workers?258638
4mt7s04nWell-Being, Changes to Academic Behavior, and Resilience Among Families Experiencing Parental Immigration Imprisonment2553107
5tq2d9w7Advancing Research To Address The Health Impacts Of Structural Racism In US Immigration Prisons.253877
1s2046pjThe Declining Use of Race in College Admissions Decisions249627
3s2425r5The Migration of Children from Mexico to the USA in the Early 2000s246369
6df09865Bias Crime in Sacramento, 1995-20022445411
92t7v5r7Race and the Empire-state: Puerto Ricans’ Unequal U.S. Citizenship243939
5ng869p2Creating the intellectual: Chinese communism and the rise of a classification233578
8h86h3dkTrends in U.S. Gender Attitudes, 1977 to 2018: Gender and Educational Disparities227348
0852g1nmGendered disparities in Mexico-U.S. migration by class, ethnicity, and geography218436
0mq4j8nb“He begins by targeting Mexicans and he will end with Puerto Ricans”: unpacking Florida Puerto Ricans’ politics of immigration216456
3mh9t5dkThe Biomedical Legacy in Minority Health Policy-Making, 1975-200221849
4j81w1mnPromoting Mental and Physical Health of Vietnamese Immigrants Through a Cultural Movement Intervention211227
4w9827qgSocial network isolation mediates associations between risky symptoms and substance use in the high school transition214746
8vj8r8s2Gender, race-ethnicity and postdoctoral hiring in STEMM fields.216627
1512k3w4Changes in the Transnational Family Structures of Mexican Farm Workers in the Era of Border Militarization205528
44q7f98pAre there sex differences in the utilization of educational capital among college-educated workers?205438
1dg18814Teen Social Networks and Depressive Symptoms-Substance Use Associations: Developmental and Demographic Variation.199136
6tw5977gBauman liquido**Este artículo es publicado simultáneamente en la revista Socio (Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme), número 8 (junio de 2017). Reconocemos una vez más la fructífera colaboración con Socio y agradecemos a su director, Michel Wieviorka, así como al autor de este artículo.186444
9519v7xdDrops of inclusivity: Racial formations and meanings in Puerto Rican society, 1989-196518468
0c91g61wDeporting Fathers: Involuntary Transnational Families and Intent to Remigrate among Salvadoran Deportees175525
1dn5n1wdSunbelt Diaspora: Race, Class, and Latino Politics in Puerto Rican Orlando173536
37z213pnCivil Passions: Cultural Challenges of Public Spheres amidst National Identity Controversies in Hong Kong and Taiwan177325
4fx5m6jbPutting Social Movements in their Place: Explaining Opposition to Energy Projects in the United States, 2000–200517818
4n72n9p9Methodologies, the Lifeworld, and Institutions in Cultural Sociology178225
5vp7678d¡Puerto Rico Se Levanta!: Hurricane María and Narratives of Struggle, Resilience, and Migration.17557

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.