UC Center Sacramento

Parent: UC Office of the President

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
10d1t8p4Recidivism and Rehabilitation: The Effectiveness of In-Prison Rehabilitation Programs in Reducing Recidivism Rates in California462121102101138
0t82j4vv1, 2, 3 - You're Out: How Three Strikes Laws Affect Recidivism Nationwide441441
2pm4d9nxThe California Housing Crisis and Its Impact on Economic Mobility Across Age Groups18937345068
6sb744x4Nourishing Young Minds: The Effect of Access to Free School Lunches on Student Achievement17349313756
72189446California's Homeowners Insurance Crisis: Examining Nonrenewals, Wildfire Risk, and Rurality by County16510065
1mt1g653California Housing Crisis: Exploring the Link Between Population Shifts and Housing Prices15849263449
4c1933bjCalifornia Public Education and Combatting Hate: A Study of the Effects of Education Legislation on Hate Crime Frequency14614254661
16f5d5czOut of Frame: Does Discussing Artificial Intelligence Through Lens of Artist Impact Affect Support for Generative AI Regulation?14039332741
2hc9n5xhWho Pays the Price? Analyzing the Relationship Between State Funding and Student Costs at the University of California12515155045
06j5020zFrom Barriers to Ballots: Identifying and Reducing Voting Barriers for Young People10432172035
18c2c217The Impact of Affirmative Action on College Admissions: A Quantitative Analysis of Demographic Shifts and Academic Outcomes10017142445
2gm5f16pStopping the Cycle: Leveraging Reentry Programs to End Parolee Homelessness9717201842
2sm4b4r2Raising the Punishment: Understanding the Effectiveness of Sentence-Enhancement Laws on Preventing Human Trafficking in California9518162338
69r9x74zThe Not So Golden State: A Content Review of Nine Homelessness Strategic Plans in the State of California9218182333
58d4s081Measuring Public Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) in California's Public K-12 Education System9017182827
6c7238tzPolicing, Protests, and Policy: The Impacts of Institutional Backlash on Student Activists89265211
81t1r5c1Can Generative Artificial Intelligence Be a Helping Hand for California’s Workforce? Assessing the Impact of Gen AI Usage within the California Workforce8913222430
02t5493tPolicy to Plate: Examining CalFresh Efficiency and Food Security8429101431
5dp5c32jThe Speed of Fire: An Evaluation of Emergency Planning and Alerts in Extremely Fast Moving Wildfires8424212118
9r6815ksRedlining and Pollution: A 2019-2021 Study of LA County's Latino Residents8418122232
04x5k29jBasic Needs? Yes, Please!: A Report on the University of California Basic Needs Services8319262018
7gm8k4bd"The Wall is Sweating": Investigating Extreme Heat's Impact in California State Prisons767111543
65q4b72gCan California Effectively Address Its Racial and Ethnic Wealth Gaps Through the Dream for All Loan?758242716
3mm5v06gPublic Opinion on Prop 47: How Critical are Californians of Criminal Justice Reform?7310132327
3155b970The Role of Multi-Family Zoning Laws on Affordable Housing in California Counties6715131524
734270tcBeyond the Ballot: Evaluating the Impact of Priming Effects on Public Support for Lowering the Voting Age in American Elections6716201219
72t8g6n3Public Opinion and Police Reform: A Comparative Analysis Between California and Texas639151722
1fs9h45xHow Do the Programs within California State PrisonsAffect the Recidivism Rates of California Counties?6116121221
1tn9z87kThe Politics Behind AI: How Political Beliefs Drive Opinions on Artificial Intelligence in California602182011
2m7876kcThe Kids Might Be Alright: How California Colleges are Combating Food Insecurity602171319
4qf9h20fThe Dark Web of Affective Polarization: How the Internet Divides Our Country5911111918
0280g3qqThe Impact of Ranked Choice Voting on Candidate Diversity in San Francisco Supervisor Elections5815101122
2md490rgTenants in Trouble: The Nexus Between Landlords and Homelessness571191819
9xh7x599Voter Receptivity and Elite Legislative Behavior on Public Land Protection: A Northern California Analysis561046
5zc3x5pxDecolonizing Water Governance: Water Quality of Indigenous Peoples in California and Arizona551981117
8hf6p9qqFrom Roofless to Revenue: How Does Homelessness Affect Commerce in California?5510161019
9kx448t7Clearing the Air: How Tree Canopy Coverage Shapes Health Gaps in California5252
0q30c10jIs UCSHIP Failing its Students? An Introspective Look Into the Healthcare Model Followed by the University of California50473
2k45n4wcIs California Really Covered?: The Inequities of Healthcare for Farmworkers4925879
7cg4t3spHomeless’ Healthcare and Mental Health Access:Medicaid Expansion’s Role on the Individual Homeless Experience471371215
7r9854s3Getting Out of the System What You’re Putting In: An Examination of the TaxContributions of Documented and Undocumented Immigrants471171613
4gj7b9k2CalWORKS: Does It?452322
84d1n2wgEvaluating the Impact of Housing Availability on Crime Rates in Urban Areas451728
3kh204b7Why are People Dying From Guns? An Analysis of Gun Mortality Rate and Gun Laws448111312
4gh0w4mmThe Vicious Cycle of Unaffordable Housing431014127
5kv3g95wLaboring for Language: Whether English Competency Impacts Workplace Conditions4198168
8xk567fbPrisons are Not the Solution for Mental Illness: Looking at Juvenile Mental Health and Recidivism41761513
43h386dqSustaining the Educators: The Impact of School District Policies on Teacher Well-Being in Sacramento Valley Counties401351210
6r38v050Disproportionate Enforcement: How African Americans are Disadvantaged in California40137911
4s459201The Crisis of Elderly Care in California Prisons: Examining Healthcare Services for Older Incarcerated Individuals3939

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.