Berkeley Review of Education

Parent: University of California Berkeley Graduate School of Education

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
8k26h2tpTranslanguaging: Definitions, Implications, and Further Needs in Burgeoning Inquiry991237184277293
8103b928Framing of Black and Latinx School Closure in Redeveloping Hartford, Connecticut4649889117160
35c207gvBlack Radicals Make for Bad Citizens: Undoing the Myth of the School to Prison Pipeline365946986116
0b13x3cpDisproportionality fills in the gaps: Connections between achievement, discipline and special education in the School-to-Prison Pipeline347987178100
6s0491j5Artifactual Critical Literacy: A New Perspective for Literacy Education31189598083
3jb706gsFrom Discipline to Dynamic Pedagogy: A Re-conceptualization of Classroom Management303511415358
3vz660gpSouth Asian Americans’ Microaggression Experiences in School: Retrospective Reflections on Interactions with K-12 Teachers29579617085
5xh077w9Educating Competitive Students for a Competitive Nation: Why and How Has the Chinese Discourse of Competition in Education Rapidly Changed Within Three Decades?28652677394
55p0c597Challenging the Relationship Between Settler Colonial Ideology and Higher Education Spaces27664927050
6qg0h4hzThere’s Always a Way Out: Spatial Domination, Disappearance, and Free Movement in the Carceral-Education Landscape24746566976
4gz1b4r4Schooling in American Sign Language: A paradigm shift from a deficit model to a bilingual model in deaf education22375445549
8rm7r2scThe Challenges and Possibilities of Youth Participatory Action Research for Teachers and Students in Public School Classrooms22348536458
4p8739snA tale of two projects: YPAR in and out of school – bounded versus open inquiry21146495759
64k433qsEarly Childhood Education and Care and the Use of Digital Media in Informal Environments18535284973
6nj5f2x7Assessment tools to differentiate between language differences and disorders in English language learners18490452524
44t3z7q3Choice Matters: Equity and Literacy Achievement18352454145
9mj097nvThe Politics of School Reform: A Broader and Bolder Approach for Newark14650482226
7fj6077qLooking Backward to Go Forward: Toward a Kliebardian Approach to Curriculum Theory14249562017
60g9j416Educational Opportunity and Contentious Politics: The 2011 Chilean Student Movement13141293526
8fc560tbThe Politics of Fair and Affordable Housing in Metropolitan Atlanta: Challenges for Educational Opportunity12739262537
8z8289phConnecting Transnationalism to the Classroom and to Theories of Immigrant Student Adaptation12340252830
3q91f9gvThe Postcolonial Ghetto: Seeing Her Shape and His Hand12140303219
5jc6q534Policy Translation of Social Movements Demands: The Case of Free-Tuition in Higher Education in Chile11623263829
9sd900g8Loving Whiteness to Death: Sadomasochism, Emotionality, and the Possibility of Humanizing Love11127293124
8rg3v68hA is for Apple, B is for Bulletproof: The racialized fortification of schools10922171852
4h0668r1Constructing the Literate Child in the Library: An Analysis of School Library Standards10528372317
57n86152Student Movements Against the Imperial University: Toward a Genealogy of Disability Justice in U.S. Higher Education10525292823
1h89759pNice to Whom?: How Midwestern Niceness Undermines Educational Equity10025303411
991770tcPolicies and People: A Review of Neoliberalism and Educational Technologies in P-12 Education Research9726262718
247908gbRace, Class, and Whiteness in Gifted and Talented Identification: A Case Study9625202130
5qn0z71dCurbing Ignorance and Apathy (Across the Political Spectrum) Through Global Citizenship Education9620252625
4969649wThe Militarization and the Privatization of Public Schools9535261717
5ng4s2bxThe Invisible Tax: Exploring Black Student Engagement at Historically White Institutions9135121727
6fh5f3czA Revised GTCrit Framework: A Broadened Critical Lens for Gifted and Advanced Education Settings902762136
9xt2n97pI Always Knew I Was Gifted: Latino Males and the Mestiz@ Theory of Intelligences (MTI)9038161125
2s64k4mbMinority Serving Institutions: A Data-Driven Student Landscape in the Outcomes-Based Funding Universe8924161237
815078rxContextual Support in the Home for Children's Early Literacy Development8821212422
6bq2x6r7(Re)production of the Contemporary Elite Through Higher Education: A Review of Critical Scholarship8720211531
3dd2726hNew Orleans Education Reform: A Guide for Cities or a Warning for Communities? (Grassroots Lessons Learned, 2005-2012)8425201821
0cr8c46rThe “West” in Literacy7929201614
7rk9w7tmUnderstanding and Undermining Fake News From the Classroom7621211717
9cq4474hMobilizing Blackness: Analyzing 21st Century Black Student Collective Agency in the University7529161218
6jq7d84jEditors’ Introduction742628128
5pw444w6SOLIDARITY FOREVER7124211610
6x46c90xUnicorns Are Real: A Narrative Synthesis of Black Men’s Career Trajectories in Special Education in the United States7116171919
85k213fn(Critical) Multilingual and Multicultural Awareness in the Pedagogical Responsiveness of Educators7117291015
8db1z97gGovernance through concepts: The OECD and the construction of “competence” in Norwegian education policy7124171614
3hw1r0q1“We teach in English here”: Conflict between language ideology and test accountability in an English-only newcomer school7012291514
5n60q5ssFrom Youth Activism to Youth-Powered Curriculum6824151811
70t7n0h5Exploring the Educational Implications of the Third Space Framework for Transnational Asian Adoptees682014259

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.