Department of German

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
4ht6w6zvThe Madonna in the Fur Coat2,7112,29522010393
8z157865Gramática da Língua Neerlandesa, a língua dos holandeses e dos flamengos29386885564
28x3x9r0Criss-Crossing in Global Space and Time: Fatih Akın’s <em>The Edge of Heaven</em> (2007)253645334102
5vv1k105BOOK REVIEW: <em>The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality</em>, by Wolfram Wette15045293739
06t7z88k“The Welser Phantom”: Apparitions of the Welser Venezuela Colony in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century German Cultural Memory14741363832
1hh9d5h5Translingual Encounters: Freedom, Civic Virtue, and the Social Organism in Liang Qichao's Reading of Kant14727394041
7nm7g8vtGood-bye, Germany!14450332734
6js8p1fcOf Women and Polyglots: Yoko Tawada’s “Where Europe Begins” and Rosi Braidotti’s Transnational Feminist Nomadology13724332357
3vr5v24vEmotionale Landschaften der Migration: Von unsichtbaren Grenzen, Nicht-Ankommen und dem Tod in Stanišićs Herkunft und Varatharajahs Vor der Zunahme der Zeichen13540412529
1x84x67rWillkommenskultur: A Computational and Socio-linguistic Study of Modern German Discourse on Migrant Populations13030373330
4g25t3hwWorld Conspiracy Literature and Antisemitism11629272832
6ns880hg"Where Europe Begins": A Selection from the Short Story10927183331
9gp0f163Multilingual Development in Germany in the Crossfire of Ideology and Politics: Monolingual and Multilingual Expectations, Polylingual Practices10933252922
0s5217j0Translation Terminable and Interminable: Psychoanalysis Between Vienna and Calcutta10732281730
1nd8r83vThe Courtyard in the Mirror10330162235
3f08h6rr“With whose blood were my eyes crafted?” Critical Concepts of Seeing, Knowing, and Remembering in Philip Scheffner’s and Merle Kröger’s Havarie (2016)1025349
4h2456f7Das deutsche Kolonialerbe in der Jugendkolonialliteratur der BRD und der DDR9928232919
7sd2s0v6How Does Arriving Feel? Modulating a Cinematic Sense of Commonality9830251825
1h59512wPROJECT TWO: Patterns of the Anthemion: Discovering Networks of Coincidence in W.G. Sebald’s Die Ausgewanderten9727251728
2gq4t3b0Ungehaltene neue deutsche Literatur9524272123
3pz8z9z1In the Postmonolingual Condition: Karin Sander’s <em>Wordsearch</em> and Yoko Tawada’s Wordplay9427211828
4xx374qkBordering on Names: Strategies of Mapping in the Prose of Terézia Mora and Peter Handke9432202121
7dx4811vHardboiled Performance and Affective Intimacy: Remediations of Racism in the Cenk Batu Tatorte9330222021
5848p76c<em>GLUB</em> (<em>Hearts</em>)9226181929
14z3z257BOOK REVIEW: Fatima El-Tayeb, European Others9023281425
4fr0n8bwMing Wong’s Imitations8923162723
8jp4268sMemory Meetings: Semra Ertan’s Ausländer and the Practice of the Migrant Archive8923222420
3hv706g2Amigo Armado8834131922
9h79g172The Multilingual Experience: Insights from Language Memoirs8839141619
8xb6q0nnBOOK REVIEW | White Rebels in Black: German Appropriation of Black Culture8518221827
4130n258BOOK REVIEW: Amerika und die deutschsprachige Literatur nach 1848. Migration – kultureller Austausch – frühe Globalisierung, hrsg. von Christof Hamann, Ute Gerhard, und Walter Grünzweig8427221718
90b8w0dhPathways of Migrant Incorporation in Germany8428221420
0g88k3hr"Almanya: A [Different] Future is Possible” Defying Narratives of Return in Fatma Aydemir's&nbsp;Ellbogen8326212214
0cc704mxSelections from Kopfstoff8218241624
23t4g25gEncounters on a Street Corner: <em>Sommer vorm Balkon</em> and the Return of the Berlin Film8222371013
75p2s2m9BOOK REVIEW: <em>Mapping Channels between Ganges and Rhein: German-Indian Cross-Cultural Relations</em>, Jörg Esleben, Christina Kraenzle and Sukanya Kulkarni, eds.8228211716
8wm4w20xNovember: A Film Treatment8219151533
9241h87r<em>Tracking Europe: Mobility, Diaspora, and the Politics of Location</em>, by Ginette Verstraete8227201223
7bz7881dCatalog of Everything8118162126
2qk4q8rhNight Bioscope801581839
237303vnCohesion Without Coherence: Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Form784533
2m4950cjContested Memory and Narrative within GDR-Polish Intercultural Landscapes: Ursula Höntsch’s Wir Flüchtlingskinder (1985) and Wir sind keine Kinder mehr (1990)789321522
3j368484Multidirectional Memory and Verwobene Geschichte(n)7518221223

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.