Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of City and Regional Planning

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
8pf8s47qUrban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’1,627374327464462
4sn2f5wcBus Rapid Transit (BRT): An Efficient and Competitive Mode of Public Transport755190150201214
6jx3k35xRail + Property Development: A model of sustainable transit finance and urbanism31392666194
05x370hrRoad Expansion, Urban Growth, and Induced Travel: A Path Analysis30772598690
0mh6f3trGentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Public Investment24365516265
4px4n55xBus Rapid Transit Impacts on Land Uses and Land Values in Seoul, Korea16040433542
2d00f48tThe Cost of the Technological Sublime: Daring Ingenuity and the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge9327271524
0dk1s0q5Residential Relocation and Commuting Behavior in Shanghai, China: The Case for Transit Oriented Development803121199
3690j6pwTransport Infrastructure and the Environment: Sustainable Mobility and Urbanism8011222621
4815q4gpState and urban space in Brazil: from modernist planning to democratic interventions7515271815
5dn1w8bzAmbient temperature and term birthweight in Latin American cities7115192215
5fd6n8hrFreeway Deconstruction and Urban Regeneration in the United States6913162416
5ps0v8d2From Elevated Freeways to Surface Boulevards: Neighborhood, Traffic, and Housing Price Impacts in San Francisco6318161118
68r764dfThe Half-Mile Circle: Does It Best Represent Transit Station Catchments?609171321
1hc4v5k8Participatory urban planning in Brazil5517141311
9894p11jUrban Environments, Health, and Environmental Sustainability: Findings From the SALURBAL Study.53102320
2wv0h7rqLearning from Los Angeles: Transport, Urban Form, and Air Quality5214121115
7321475xNew Insights into Rental Housing Markets across the United States: Web Scraping and Analyzing Craigslist Rental Listings5134467
0v9869s3Building Support for Transit-Oriented Development: Do Community-Engagement Toolkits Work?481861212
0fm8k169Parking Requirements and Housing Affordability: A Case Study of San Francisco45171549
0kg4x8w8Democracy and violence in Brazil4319897
1wg020cdResidential Self Selection and Rail Commuting: A Nested Logit Analysis42161097
2s1041kdShort-term planning and policy interventions to promote cycling in urban centers: Findings from a commute mode choice analysis in Barcelona, Spain42151368
2gp4m4xqA Quiet Revolution in Transportation Finance: The Rise of Local Option Transportation Taxes41810158
64j1x830Producing urban agroecology in the East Bay: from soil health to community empowerment401151410
9gp6x681Walkable Suburbs? An Evaluation of Neotraditional Communities at the Urban Edge40137812
1s110395Which Reduces Vehicle Travel More: Jobs-Housing Balauce or Retail-Housing Mixing?394101312
5r09p1w0Struggles to remain in Kigali’s “unplanned” settlements: the case of Bannyahe39187104
17v2s7t6Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: Backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy.38121097
1fd4d4zsIs Rail Worth It?381510211
3k98875qMarkets for Dynamic Ridesharing? Case of Berkeley, California3788138
0001n47jAirports and Bicycles: what are the obstacles and incentives for operators 1 to improve bicycle access?36131265
85n2k966Correlation networks of air particulate matter ( PM 2.5 ): a comparative study.3691377
39q7w812Direct Ridership Model of Bus Rapid Transit in Los Angeles County3571648
08j2197sPublic transit use in the United States in the era of COVID-19: Transit riders’ travel behavior in the COVID-19 impact and recovery period3416585
5w1761s5Slum Sanitation and the Social Determinants of Women's Health in Nairobi, Kenya.34141541
0rd80444From elevated freeways to surface boulevards: neighborhood and housing price impacts in San Francisco3311877
57d4z6vbWealth Inequality in the “Land of the Fee”: A Conversation with Devin Fergus33141045
0d84c2f4The Half-Mile Circle: Does It Represent Transit Station Catchments?32101048
0m92j0krRail Access Modes and Catchment Areas for the BART System32136103
1861b3dbAlternative Approaches to Modeling the Travel-Demand Impacts of Smart Growth3257119
2sw4m383The highest and best use? Urban industrial landand job creation3212956
748006tfMeasuring the effectiveness of San Francisco's planning standard for pedestrian wind comfort3214855
81b85218A Career in Planning3210976
9h8387szSuburban Transformations: From Employment Centers to Mixed-Use Activity Centers3210976
1kf5d54pVariable-Rate State Gasoline Taxes31117112
1v31d899What makes an active public realm? Opportunities and challenges for research3191327
3pq850xpBART@20: Land Use and Development Impacts31111055
6f31q2h7Critical Heat Studies: Deconstructing Heat Studies for Climate Justice3117725

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.