Institutional History of UCSC

Parent: Regional History Project Oral Histories

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
3t26956cTeaching Writing in the Company of Friends: An Oral History with Carol Freeman23064685246
6s80c9v4G. William Domhoff: The Adventures and Regrets of a Professor of Dreams and Power17143404048
4m01p3bz"Look'n M' Face and Hear M' Story": An Oral History with Professor J. Herman Blake1405261198
9bw645n9Clark Kerr and the Founding of UC Santa Cruz12538232737
79k9m51bTodd Newberry: Professor of Biology10923223331
36m6v5t4Burney J. Le Boeuf, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: Recollections of UCSC, 1966-199410226145012
5kf1t3wgKenneth S. Norris: Naturalist, Cetologist & Conservationist, 1924-1998: An Oral History Biography10136252218
4j9397s9Raymond F. Dasmann : A Life in Conservation Biology9731281622
7216m333Grand Opera: The Life, Languages, and Teaching of Miriam Ellis9620362614
9cf8w0f1Rita Bottoms: Polyartist Librarian894521149
9h09r84hEdges and Ecotones: Donna Haraway's Worlds at UCSC8228172116
5rq98388Harold A. Hyde: Recollections of Santa Cruz County7817122524
3nf9m5prGrowth and Stewardship: Frank Zwart's Four Decades at UC Santa Cruz7732161514
20b91099Hayden White: Frontiers of Consciousness at UCSC7420202212
2n20r98mDonald T. Clark: Early UCSC History and the Founding of the University Library7437101710
0r64t762James Clifford: Tradition and Transformation at UC Santa Cruz7025101718
4rg173mrThe Critical World of Harry Berger, Jr.: An Oral History681536152
0mz917dqThe Cowell Press and Its Legacy: 1973-2004631892511
8m9346m7For a More Humane World: A Family Oral History of Professor Jasper Rose6119181311
19j1h7b3Picture to Picture: An Oral History with Photographer-Teacher Norman Locks602315139
21s8b7xcFrom the Ground Up: UCSC Professor Gary Griggs as Researcher, Teacher, and Institution Builder58261787
9kc4x0gx“Faculty and Students Together in the Redwoods” An Oral History with Carolyn Martin Shaw582612119
0c00c5xbFrom the Mysteries of the Universe to the Mysteries of the Univers-ity: An Oral History with UC Santa Cruz Chancellor George Blumenthal5413181211
3j5438d7"It Became My Case Study": Professor Michael Cowan's Four Decades at UC Santa Cruz512213115
6zq1v27wCommunity Studies and Research for Change: An Oral History with William Friedland51301155
8787s3c9Peter Scott, Professor of Physics: Recollections of UCSC, 1966-1994511220127
33s2k55x"Everything was a Stage": An Oral History with Ruth Solomon, Founding UCSC Professor of Theater Arts and Dance471711136
4xp901f2Mike Rotkin on the Rise and Fall of Community Studies at UCSC, 1969-2010471315127
1ph610j1Jim Pepper and the Evolution of Environmental Studies at UC Santa Cruz: An Oral History46161569
0mp6n2rxRobert L. Sinsheimer: The University of California, Santa Cruz During a Critical Decade, 1977-198745221175
24z7r5bhA Life of Learning and Teaching at the University of California, Santa Cruz, 1965-200044231551
4b67r8d3Elizabeth Spedding Calciano: Founding Director of the Regional History Project, UCSC Library441410119
9hr6t6b3Page Smith: Founding Cowell College and UCSC, 1964-1973441016135
7zs703vfKenneth V. Thimann: Early UCSC History and the Founding of Crown College431111714
3bz3s3t5Crossing Borders, Crossing Worlds: An Oral History with UC Santa Cruz Professor Olga Nájera-Ramírez42149415
8165t7k8Leading Through Transitions and Turbulence: An Oral History with Executive Vice Chancellor R. Michael Tanner421412124
3gh404x1John P. Lynch: Campus Citizen, Community Educator, Classics Professor41161672
3s75k0n1“Study what is in your backyard”: Professor Virginia Jansen and the UC Santa Cruz Campus41151295
7fc7q3z8Helene Moglen and the Vicissitudes of a Feminist Administrator40151735
9891v4hvProfessor Pedro Castillo: Historian, Chicano Leader, Mentor40141277
6hw978p9"An Intergenerational Community of Friends": An Oral History of the Page and Eloise Smith Scholastic Society/Smith Renaissance Society with Bill Dickinson and Gary Miles391214112
7vv2v3rzWith Conocimiento, Love, Spirit, and Community: Rosie Cabrera's Leadership at UC Santa Cruz, 1984-20133991578
9tn727hfAn Artist with Shoes On: An Oral History of Founding UC Santa Cruz Professor of Art Douglas McClellan39195105
34r6t4d5Dean E. McHenry: Founding Chancellor of the University of California, Santa Cruz, Volume I: Childhood and Teaching Career, 1910-195838201161
3ws3p49bDean E. McHenry: Volume II, The University of California, Santa Cruz: Its Origins, Architecture, Academic Planing, and Early Faculty Appointments, 1958-19683721736
5dp6d4c6Patricia Zavella: Professor of Latin American and Latino Studies, UC Santa Cruz3721592
21r987zwMurray's Universe: An Oral History with UCSC Professor Murray Baumgarten, 1966-20143579127
2xg7k0gzA Lifetime Commitment to Giving Voice: An Oral History of Elba R. Sánchez34151072
6rv1h8fvDean McHenry: Volume III: the University of California, Santa Cruz, Early Campus History, 1958-19693420563
9636r3cjMichael Nauenberg, Professor of Physics: Recollections of UCSC, 1966-1996345821

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.