Research Center for Romance Studies

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3c26t18q<em>Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies</em> 69 (2021)36821715159.0%
87h4d2fhComparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies Volume 71 (2023)35020414658.3%
1b4612sb<strong>Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies</strong>&nbsp;Volume 67 (2019)27717010761.4%
03j8g8tt&nbsp;Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 62 (2013)2151447167.0%
6618d1jfWitchcraft in San Gabriel: Accusations of Sorcery against María de Zamora San Gabriel, New Mexico, 1607137409729.2%
5xv0t5bqDocuments Concerning the Revolt of the Indians of the Province of New Mexico in 1680136449232.4%
7162z2rpThe Expedition of Juan de Oñate to Quivira in 1601 as Narrated in the “True Report” and the “Valverde Interrogatory”123586547.2%
1nv015s3Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies122596348.4%
18c0z1r7Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies Volume 70 (2022)118714760.2%
7pb6j8fxFray Marcos de Niza, "Relación" (1539), edition and study110298126.4%
16r0w71rComparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 64 (2015).106525449.1%
4v34d0nwDocuments from the Early Days of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680867798.1%
0p76r2wjThe Conviction and Sentencing of Juan de Oñate, May 13, 1614, and Juan De Oñate’s Defense Against the Charges for Which He Was Convicted, October 10, 16178297311.0%
95m3d953Documents Regarding the Founding of the Presidio at El Paso del Rio del Norte August 1682 - June 1683<strong> <strong>&nbsp;</strong> </strong>82146817.1%
66q4f7wfAutos seguidos contra unos indios genízaros del pueblo de Abiquiú, Nuevo México acusados de hechiceros maléficos por su ministro el reverendo padre fray Juan José Toledo 1760-176680176321.3%
0fr37213Dossier concerning the abuses of Luis de Rosas, governor of New Mexico (1637-1641), his murder in 1641, and the extrajudicial execution of the alleged conspirators in the murder by Alonso Pacheco de Heredia, governor of New Mexico (1642-1644)78166220.5%
4ww3x4q9Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 68 (2020)73363749.3%
9jf9t3mz<strong>Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>Volume 65 (2016)72284438.9%
4gr78391Diario y derrotero que cogió el Sr. General Don Antonio Valverde Cossío, Governador y Capitan General de Nuevo México en la campaña que ejecutó en 1719 contra las naciones Yutas y Comanches717649.9%
3k12c3w9The Language of the Mozarabic jarchas69175224.6%
8198x7p6Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 63 (2014)66283842.4%
1t41z1jzLa "Relación" del padre Francisco Escobar de la expedición al Mar del Sur de Juan de Oñate (1604-1605)64164825.0%
4v76k1ccBibliography of Hispano-Romance Linguistics (Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan)62382461.3%
3dw2x0nrWitchcraft in Santo Tomás de Abiquiú, New Mexico 1764-176560154525.0%
5313v23hDiego Pérez de Luján, Relación de la expedición de Antonio de Espejo a Nuevo México, 1582-158360124820.0%
0t09r90tInvestigation of the Conduct of Francisco Vázquez de Coronado and his Company during their Exploration of New Mexico in 1540-1542, Conducted by Licentiate Lorenzo Tejada 154458223637.9%
6g50g2vnThe Cíbola Project: Progress Report #7 (Spring, 2012)58164227.6%
3769j3mmThe Trial Before the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Mexico City of Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche, Wife of the Governor of New Mexico, Don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, on Suspicion of Practicing Jewish Rites (1664) Part 2: Archivo General de la Nación, México. Ramo Inquisición, vol. 596,fols. 45r-153v54322259.3%
1kj204t1Captain Diego Romero Accused of Heretical Propositions and Superstitious Practices in New Mexico 1661-166553114220.8%
3jt748vtThe Cíbola Project: Mission Statement and Staff525479.6%
8b07n3s4Statements of New Mexico colonists recruited and conducted to Santa Fe by Juan Páez Hurtado October 26, 1697 - January 17, 169852104219.2%
25w449n4The Campaign Journal of Don Diego de Vargas Zapata Luján Ponce de León, Governor of New Mexico: The Great Detour, from Santa Fe to Taos back to Santa Fe via the San Luis Valley of Colorado June 30 – July 16, 169451143727.5%
8zb7n95xInvestigation Concerning Gaspar Castaño de Sosa’s Unauthorized Expedition to New Mexico in 1590-1591, Conducted by Captain Juan Morlete in 159151123923.5%
4sv5h1gzRelación de Hernán Gallegos sobre la expedición del padre fray Agustín Rodríguez y el capitán Francisco Sánchez Chamuscado a Nuevo México, 1581-1582484448.3%
38295559Documents from the 1602-1603 Sebastián Vizcaíno Expedition up the California Coast47133427.7%
6fn1w9p2Captain Nicolás de Aguilar Accused of Heretical Propositions and Persecution of Religious Authorities New Mexico1661-166546202643.5%
6gv962r9Fray Francisco Pérez Huerta, Report on the Conflict Between&nbsp;Pedro de Peralta, Governor of New Mexico,&nbsp;and Fray Isidro Ordóñez, Franciscan Commissary, 161745113424.4%
44h815pgThe Trial of Nicolás Ortiz, accused of the murder of don Luis de Rosas Governor of New Mexico in 1641.4253711.9%
01x0n3rnAccusation against Juan Domínguez de Mendoza for blasphemy (1667)40103025.0%
50d0s2jfThe Trial Before the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Mexico City of Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche, Wife of the Governor of New Mexico, Don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, on Suspicion of Practicing Jewish Rites (1664) Archivo General de la Nación, México. Ramo Inquisición, vol. 596, fols. 1-2774063415.0%
8z94h2j8Fray Juan de Escalona, Comissary of the Franciscan Missions of New Mexico, to King Phillip III Concerning Conditions in the New Colony October 15, 160140142635.0%
27t9v1n5Information Concerning Baltazar Dorantes de Carranza Presented to the Real Audiencia de México November 5, 15733973217.9%
5xk8w814The Sad Fate of Bernardo Gruber, German Merchant, Imprisoned by Order of fray Juan de Paz, Commissary of the Inquisition in New Mexico 1668-167039112828.2%
7fx6m5qwAlonso de Oñate, brother of Juan de Oñate, governor of New Mexico, requests that King Phillip III fulfil the stipulations of the contract granted to Juan de Oñate for the exploration and settlement of New Mexico,with supporting documents May 5, 16003943510.3%
96m0v91xA Second Object Lesson Concerning Two Recent Editions of Spanish Colonial Documents of New Mexico3883021.1%
4wt8m665Juan de Frías Salazar ’s Inspection of Juan de Oñate’s Equipment and Personnel Destined for the Conquest of Nuevo México November 16, 1597–Februrary 2, 15983782921.6%
5j04f1fqFour Autograph Letters Concerning the Pueblo Revolt of 168036112530.6%
8qh4x93vDenuncias de prácticas supersticiosas ante fray Esteban de Perea, comisario del Santo Oficio, Nuevo México, 1631-16323663016.7%
8rg671zmAntonio de Espejo’s Report on his Expedition to New Mexico1582-1583 with Associated Documents35142140.0%
00w4c1b2The Trial Before the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Mexico City of Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche, Wife of the Governor of New Mexico, Don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, on Suspicion of Practicing Jewish Rites (1664) First part: Archivo General de la Nación, México. Ramo Inquisición, vol. 596, fols. 1-443443011.8%

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