Public Scholarship and Engagement

Parent: UC Davis

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
548292cxImpacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural survivors of intimate partner violence.247692
5pb6d78sProvenance: genocide. The transfer of Armenian sacred objects to art collections. In: Brodie, N., Kersel, M.M. and Rasmussen, J.M. (eds), Variant Scholarship: Ancient Texts in Modern Contexts. 2261105
4nx19815Public Scholarship, Place, and Proximity: Imagining America at the University of California at Davis209362
49v067ptScaling Faculty Recognition in Engaged Scholarship185373
56c000gsWhen the Public Defender Falls Short18468
85n068bnWhat can cities do to correct racism and help all communities live longer? It starts with city planning1852101
9hp2n74mQualities of Safer and Unsafe Spaces at an Emerging HSI: Community-Based Participatory Research to Center Latina/o/x Undergraduates’ Voices in Addressing Campus Issues184464
9888r91cBeyond Black and White: Transcript of the Free People of Color Symposium Discussing Campus Approaches to Race in Twentieth Century West Coast Universities and a Racial Justice Audit Template for Universities154281
26m7k0cxSupporting Community Engaged Research Partnerships: Impacts of a Seed Grant Program144433
3zd3f8c9Defend the Public Defenders14743
7fv5k47xA Qualitative Study of Multilevel Faculty Motivations for Pursuing Engaged Scholarship14572
8k53w9pr"Our Community Is Filled with Experts": The Critical Intergenerational Literacies of Latinx Immigrants that Facilitate a Communal Pedagogy of Resistance142165
2xj604svCharting the Future of Experiential Learning at UC Davis Symposium: A Campus-wide Approach13445
6xg8c23tSELLING HOME-COOKED FOOD: The State of Microenterprise Home Kitchens in California134531
2j18k0q2California Listenin’: A Reflection on the Healing Power of Community Storytelling12714
3ct972twEngaged Research to Address Gaps, Build Trust, and Promote Health Equity in the COVID Era12561
615194wwPublic Scholarship for the Public Good:An Implementation Framework for UC Davis12525
1h94p8w2A disaster's disparate impacts: analysing perceived stress and personal resilience across gender and race11515
46b9f38bExploring the Community Impact of Community-University Partnerships10361
60z94836Engaged scholarship & learning: UC Davis at an institutional crossroads.103151
0m22236kExperience of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Care among Black Women in Sacramento, CA, USA: A Community-Engaged Qualitative Study9351
1fx9q8f7Migrant autonomy and wilfulness amidst the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic at the Tijuana border9414
58d3t41zKey ecological principles to guide adaptive management of grassland weeds under variable conditions 92151
6827b3g4A research agenda for the science of actionable knowledge: Drawing from a review of the most misguided to the most enlightened claims in the science-policy interface literature93141
9vj3z5nsThe ACTIVATE Digital Health Pilot Program for Diabetes and Hypertension in an Underserved and Rural Community9216
6qr211d5Provost's Work Group on Public Scholarship844
34w538c6Open Letters from Prison: Mobilizing Communities of Collective Care 7124
5cs2w15gExpanding Student Opportunities, Deepening Regional Impact71141

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.