2016 SURF Conference Proceedings

Parent: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Conference Proceedings

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4877f5z0A Critical Race Perspective on the Filipino Identity454174373.7%
03k3s7q8400 Years Fresh – The Elizabethan Era Stage27151255.6%
1bp8r80pBiaspectual Verbs in the Russian Language2451920.8%
15w6z4m3Families Under Attack: Destructive Daughters on Screen, 1997-20002191242.9%
28f1q2d7Social Differences in Taste: Investigating Romance Reading2131814.3%
2bj6n8nnMatsigenka’s Mystery Morphemes212199.5%
6mm814mrFrom Home to Highway: Gender and the San Francisco Freeway Revolts2081240.0%
06g2m18fThe Slippery Slope: How American Children's Literature at the Turn of the Millennium Prepares Children for the Nature of Evil & Adulthood1941521.1%
74c0z21vDocumenting Attacks on Health Care Facilities, Case Study: Syria1751229.4%
2sc0q2trEffects of Statistical Training on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder1621412.5%
4569g7zzA Culture of Support: looking beyond the concept of best practices in the treatment of survivors of interpersonal violence.1641225.0%
55c705jkDevelopmental Changes in Joint Visual Attention1651131.3%
31n629dc“Their Finest Genre": the Moral Relevance of World War II in Contemporary Literature1510566.7%
9gc8j43hAspects of Historical Consciousness Through the Fabric of Akhavan Sales’s Poetry1521313.3%
8321d0gmP.A.I.R.S. - Portable Ambisonic Impulse Response System112918.2%
85v2s2gqResponse of Macroinvertebrate Communities to Fire in Agricultural Watersheds112918.2%
1b2971f9The Effects of Singing in Speech in Geriatric Voice82625.0%

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