University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
6pd082d4Academic English: A Conceptual Framework1,111169233393316
13w7m06gHow Long Does It Take English Learners to Attain Proficiency899225298215161
6430628zListening to Teachers of English Language Learners: A Survey of California Teachers’ Challenges, Experiences, and Professional Development Needs3146310810142
491925b7The Initial Impact of Proposition 227 on the Instruction of English Learners18639545538
2hw8k347The Redesignation Dilemma: Challenges and Choices in Fostering Meaningful Accountability for English Learners8615242225
1133v9ccReview of the Research on Instruction of Limited English Proficient Students: A Report to the California Legislature7624162313
6h72r068The High Schools English Learners Need7123161814
2903c3p3Tenth Grade Dropout Rates by Native Language, Race/Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status7014232211
5m14j4vpPromoting Academic Literacy Among Secondary English Language Learners: A Synthesis of Research and Practice7017231317
10s9v1t3Educational Outcomes and Opportunities for English Language Learners487112010
5kn6j13bPreschool Participation and the Cognitive and Social Development of Language Minority Students475101814
4k87d8thThe Schooling of English Learners3761975
6v77c7tjThe Inequitable Treatment of English Learners in California’s Public Schools35118115
1646x8rqThe Intersection of Language, Race/Ethnicity, Immigration Status, and Poverty33106143
65d6v84nUnderstanding and Addressing the California Latino Achievement Gap in Early Elementary School3351198
9xx421bcPreparing Teachers for Diversity: A Dilemma of Quality and Quantity2813672
86m0w6pnSpring 1999244569
4t61q2jvCalifornia’s Growing Bilingual Population228176
1p30k70rOne Quarter of California’s Teachers for English Learners Not Fully Certified213981
0mb8092zThe Feasibility of Developing a California Education Longitudinal Study207472
4j32m4jgWinter 2006195554
6314w3dmLanguage Minority Students Account for Most of California’s Enrollment Growth in the Last Decade195653
0cv4t541Summer 2009143362
7sh0x8kqResource Needs for English Learners: Getting Down to Policy Recommendations142192
41d52006Summer 2008132443
4bj3p948Fall 1999134432
7mv100k7Spring 200613454
26q4j33vSummer 2005122352
0cg9w2kxJanuary - February 1998111541
3n94n3k9Summer 1999114241
5tf772pnSummer 2006113161
8jf522qrSpring 200711326
0nr037jxSpring 200310226
34f2s59cWinter 2007102161
84s5c93zFall 200810262
2w16k0xqSpring 20029144
46k8f6fjThe Growth of California’s Linguistic, Racial, and Ethnic Populations, 1986 - 20139225
4qk3953hJanuary - February 199892241
58n222cfSummer 200391341
61h2m37tPrimary Language Instruction In California Continues To Decline93141
8tg2p4rxSummer 20009243
9988n3ssSpring 20049261
36n2b8thSummer 20078242
52c0w0mqFall 20068215
5x84b9hpWinter 20028251
89w7b0k1November-December 19978134
9bq1f0psWinter 200581151
1dm2d0nxSummer 20017115
3cx4h9rdFall 200171132
56p466qgFall 20077142

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.