Consortium on Deburring and Edge Finishing

Parent: Laboratory for Manufacturing and Sustainability

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2239m1nsStrategies for Preventing and Minimizing Burr Formation2221309258.6%
1sc2k1b8Burrs—Analysis, control and removal157131448.3%
7hd8r1ftAdvancing Cutting Technology137419629.9%
9xg0g32gFinite Element Modeling of Drilling Using DEFORM12191127.4%
5bq7d5qgBack Cutting and Tool Wear Influence on Burrs in Face Milling - Analysis and Solutions11891097.6%
1cq5k23bDevelopment of an Analytical Model for Drilling Burr Formation in Ductile Materials87117612.6%
8cw4n2tfComparative Study of Finite Element Simulation Software806747.5%
603201b9The Effect of Dry Machining on Burr Size752732.7%
21z1z935Micro Deburring Technology Using Ultrasonic Vibration with Abrasive7286411.1%
412734jpA Review of Burr Formation in Machining64145021.9%
23z3d601Efficient Tool Paths and Part Orientation for Face Milling5865210.3%
51r6b592A Study of Surface Roughness in the Micro-End-Milling Process483456.3%
6p80t3gcTool Path Planning Generation For Finish Machining of Freeform Surfaces in the Cybercut Process Planning Pipeline413387.3%
0838n3x9Micro-Burr Formation and Minimization through Process Control4053512.5%
1zr548s8A Wireless Sensor for Tool Temperature Measurement and its Integration within a Manufacturing System3973217.9%
1px50107On The Face Milling Burr Formation Mechanisms and Minimization Strategies at High Tool Engagement3863215.8%
2vb4t7gqModeling of Inter-Layer Gap Formation in Drilling of a Multi-Layered Material3472720.6%
4jd3w4mpMicro-Burr Formation and Minimization Through Process Control2982127.6%
661599t7Investigation of Internal Cleaning Effects in Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Flows2932610.3%
6f30942cFinite Element Modeling of Burr Formation in Metal Cutting2992031.0%
15v2q84kAutomated Drill Modeling for Drilling Process Simulation28131546.4%
2234t3fvDrilling Burr Control Chart -Adding a Material Property Axis2852317.9%
36d27692Manufacturing — Its Evolution and Future2842414.3%
6902z9c42D Accessibility Analysis for Water Jet Cleaning2852317.9%
4dz1b1xkFinite Element Modeling of Burr Formation in Drilling of a Multi-Layered Material2732411.1%
74f6w73fModeling of Inter-Layer Gap Formation in Drilling of a Multi-Layered Material2652119.2%
60k6x64rChallenges in Modeling Machining of Multilayer Materials2481633.3%
9ks6b6dpStrategies for Burr Minimization and Cleanability in Aerospace and Automotive Manufacturing2451920.8%
5d55v1d9Deburring of Cross-Drilled Hole Intersections by Mechanized Cutting2351821.7%
75v1m1bjFormulation of the Chip Cleanability Mechanics from Fluid Transport2351821.7%
0xn3m83sExit Order Sequence Burr Prediction Algorithm Based on Rectangular Coordinates222209.1%
1m17m8xhAn Experimental Investigation on the Influence of Process Parameters During Chip Formation21101147.6%
71h964p7Fabrication of Protruding Features in a Micro-Mold: a Planning Report2151623.8%
5m0289hxTool Path Planning for Reconfigurable Machines1951426.3%
5r45g44sReview of Geometric Solutions for Milling Burr Prediction and Minimization1761135.3%
16d7p51pWhite Paper on Technical Software Integration1641225.0%
6hm4s582Influence of Exit Surface Angle on Drilling Burr Formation168850.0%
85w135ksQuantifying Edge Defects in Drilled FRP Composites1631318.8%
5d53v8cwCleanability of Mechanical Components145935.7%
3sx2p95wExperimental Investigation of the Influence of Machining Parameters on Chip Geometry for Enhanced Cleanability1331023.1%
1x04020qProbabilistic Precision Process Planning- P4112918.2%
835998f4Model of a Burr Expert System112918.2%
8fh6z714The Effect of Kinematical Parameters and Tool Geometry on Burr Height in Face Milling of Al-Si Alloys116554.5%
7g9172tzDetermining Statistically Significant Parameter Regions for Bounded Specification100100.0%
8rv3v19rInfluences on Burr Size During Face-Milling of Aluminum Alloys and Cast Iron102820.0%
3tj8w700Design and Manufacturing for Cleanability in High Performance Cutting83537.5%
6rd1h9xxSurface and Edge Quality Variation in Precision Machining of Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Materials41325.0%
8zs4179tFeasible Offset Region Based Tool Path Planning for Face Milling32166.7%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.