Physical Sciences

Parent: Physical Sciences

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8t474214Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological implications from two decades of spectroscopic surveys at the Apache Point Observatory94177718.1%
9hv8k11nThe Early Data Release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument840840.0%
89c1q3cbMultiple colliding laser pulses as a basis for studying high-field high-energy physics80116913.8%
92t419x8Radial density profile and stability of capillary discharge plasma waveguides of lengths up to 40 cm754715.3%
70w6x41nThe BABAR detector70551578.6%
5nv9h19dCosmogenic neutron production at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory683654.4%
28h344thMu2e Conceptual Design Report59243540.7%
3bn193b1The science case for an intermediate energy advanced and novel accelerator linear collider facility57362163.2%
0w17c8fnThe BErkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA): A 10 GeV Laser Plasma Accelerator55124321.8%
0mw6677pPowerful, pulsed, THz radiation from laser accelerated relativistic electron bunches51381374.5%
538805vhDiagnostics, Control and Performance Parameters for the BELLA High Repetition Rate Petawatt Class Laser47301763.8%
91g0w6f1The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory45143131.1%
0v44n629Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe43152834.9%
2km4m4pjThe Robotic Multi-Object Focal Plane System of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)43133030.2%
3fx8c3xsMultistage coupling of independent laser-plasma accelerators43251858.1%
6zv1v300Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) Sample43142932.6%
1817s52cThe Atacama Cosmology Telescope DR6 and DESI: structure formation over cosmic time with a measurement of the cross-correlation of CMB lensing and luminous red galaxies410410.0%
867528n7DESI 2024: reconstructing dark energy using crossing statistics with DESI DR1 BAO data414379.8%
0hb6r7czDecay spectroscopy of Eu160: Quasiparticle configurations of excited states and structure of Kπ=4+ bandheads in Gd16040211952.5%
8br9m8hwDeep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory - Preliminary Design Report4031977.5%
0p92q5mdToward the Discovery of New Elements: Production of Livermorium (Z=116) with Ti503892923.7%
92h0x1fhFPGA-Based Optical Cavity Phase Stabilization for Coherent Pulse Stacking38191950.0%
9w15m5d5Integrated Circuit Design in US High-Energy Physics38172144.7%
3jd3278gTarget Selection and Validation of DESI Emission Line Galaxies36122433.3%
4rm62797Radiation pressure acceleration: The factors limiting maximum attainable ion energy36191752.8%
5986c9r8Multistage Coupling of Laser-Wakefield Accelerators with Curved Plasma Channels3663016.7%
8xx7x681Characterization of the spectral phase of an intense laser at focus via ionization blueshift36122433.3%
4q5441ztThe Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment350350.0%
6kn838xbCosmological implications of baryon acoustic oscillation measurements351342.9%
03h3j1hgStaging of laser-plasma accelerators3324972.7%
15m6d4hmAbsolute calibration of GafChromic film for very high flux laser driven ion beams3392427.3%
5r82464kCMB lensing and Lyα forest cross bispectrum from DESI’s first-year quasar sample33112233.3%
8qh2h744Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS)3382524.2%
9zb2d29sMitigation of DESI fiber assignment incompleteness effect on two-point clustering with small angular scale truncated estimators330330.0%
0218h457Dynamics and density distributions in a capillary-discharge waveguide with an embedded supersonic jet32161650.0%
283291njOverview of the SuperNova/Acceleration probe (SNAP)3292328.1%
5vx8r6zfThe novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic3242812.5%
8fd3468tCreation of an axially uniform plasma channel in a laser-assisted capillary discharge32122037.5%
14t010ccEffect of nozzle curvature on supersonic gas jets used in laser–plasma acceleration31121938.7%
1j4905xsAxial and triaxial degrees of freedom in 72Zn3182325.8%
4hd2q3jsStatus of the conceptual design of ALS-U310310.0%
50d3k4wcMeasured Emittance Dependence on the Injection Method in Laser Plasma Accelerators31121938.7%
6ms5k3r2Search for nucleon decays with EXO-2003142712.9%
0778b8vdTarget Selection and Validation of DESI Quasars30121840.0%
07h356gdPlanning the Future of U.S. Particle Physics (Snowmass 2013): Chapter 8: Instrumentation Frontier30111936.7%
2jj5q3j3Suppression of Beam Hosing in Plasma Accelerators with Ion Motion30111936.7%
442129hpSynthetic spectra for Lyman-α forest analysis in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument30161453.3%
15z0v8hkOn production and asymmetric focusing of flat electron beams using rectangular capillary discharge plasmas29111837.9%
6zh078qkThe DESI Early Data Release white dwarf catalogue2952417.2%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.