Energy Technologies

Parent: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
6cc1g99qClimate Impact of Primary Plastic Production2,0162383931,121264
12s624vfClimate Impact of Primary Plastic Production1,951247431722551
4x8868mfCharacterizing the Geothermal Lithium Resource at the Salton Sea1,584386369408421
3dh9d38sAssessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in India's Cement Industry802164220276142
9532z8t0Data-driven prediction of battery cycle life before capacity degradation764156170207231
3hh2t4f9Intelligent Transportation Systems69114521424191
9bw3n707Room temperature and productivity in office work68590194265136
8nh0s83qUrban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potential, and Challenges567118135157157
163947cjStatus Report on UV Waterworks: Water Disinfection for the Developing World471503542344
3h26p692Commentary: The Materials Project: A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation467117118105127
0dk3h89pPlanning for Shared Mobility43791100123123
23n103jvClimate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Chapter 114019692111102
5181s5f9Indoor air quality, ventilation and health symptoms in schools: An analysis of existing information350806691113
78k303s5A National Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings308885910358
8sh5q16vQuantifying the impacts of climate change and extreme climate events on energy systems30377677188
2374990tVentilation and Work Performance in Office Work301546110878
4q73115gUtility-Scale Solar, 2024 Edition: Empirical Trends in Deployment, Technology, Cost, Performance, PPA Pricing, and Value in the United States30068808468
30v0j6ccPython Materials Genomics (pymatgen): A robust, open-source python library for materials analysis29865668681
39s1m92cControl of temperature for health and productivity in offices29375526997
51c9d2vtLand-Based Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition292316086115
8042k3d7Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Potential to Overcome First- and Last-Mile Public Transit Connections29079647275
05k9k6b6Bicycle Evolution in China: From the 1900s to the Present28561557396
8bz7q28bNew roads and challenges for fuel cells in heavy-duty transportation28473549166
9678b4xsShared Mobility Policy Playbook27567488575
0818n68pThe Cost of Decarbonization and Energy Upgrade Retrofits for US Homes27436728977
5bf3441qSpace Exploration: The Role for Public-Private Research and Development Partnerships27089565669
46p6n2skShared Mobility: The Potential of Ride Hailing and Pooling26675705170
9zs9s1x0Case Studies of the Economic Impacts of Power Interruptions and Damage to Electricity System Infrastructure from Extreme Events26467634886
1j9467hhLaws in Order: An Inventory of State Renewable Energy Siting Policies262219812023
80n4q8xcU.S. State Renewables Portfolio & Clean Electricity Standards: 2024 Status Update25436587585
5rs2t6zsEmerging Pathways to Upgrade the US Housing Stock: A Review of the Home Energy Upgrade Literature25164575476
6pc2k2tvInequitable access to distributed energy resources due to grid infrastructure limits in California251102414563
5dq3f2w7Technologies and policies to decarbonize global industry: Review and assessment of mitigation drivers through 207023255565467
9m7260r5Utility-Scale Solar, 2023 Edition: Empirical Trends in Deployment, Technology, Cost, Performance, PPA Pricing, and Value in the United States23147495976
117547r6Closed-loop optimization of fast-charging protocols for batteries with machine learning.22957486064
336457p8Utility-Scale Solar: Empirical Trends in Project Technology, Cost, Performance, and PPA Pricing in the United States –2019 Edition22255526352
3s40x2x2Online and App-Based Carpooling in France: Analyzing Users and Practices—A Study of BlaBlaCar22040387369
61z8380kPerformance and cost of particle air filtration technologies21847595062
8sf9s522Use of Alternative Fuels in Cement Manufacture: Analysis of Fuel Characteristics and Feasibility for Use in the Chinese Cement Sector21864604351
4794p4mtA review of thermal physics and management inside lithium-ion batteries for high energy density and fast charging21760475060
5pt1p50gElectrification of Industry: Potential, Challenges and Outlook21769506236
2m68c4xh2025 California Demand Response Potential Study - Charting California’s Demand Response Future: Final Report on Phase 2 Results21459394472
0z9711dwChapter 13 - Sharing strategies: carsharing, shared micromobility (bikesharing and scooter sharing), transportation network companies, microtransit, and other innovative mobility modes21342485271
2pd8608qBenchmarking Utility-Scale PV Operational Expenses and Project Lifetimes: Results from a Survey of U.S. Solar Industry Professionals21047445267
65v9z5vpAccelerating the discovery of materials for clean energy in the era of smart automation21048444276
4hj203w3Consumer Behavior and the Plug-In Electric Vehicle Purchase Decision Process: A Research Synthesis20536487051
6m332192Mobile Apps and Transportation: A Review of Smartphone Apps and a Study of User Response to Multimodal Traveler Information20551444070
4j30s17jCommunication Requirements for Price-Based Grid Coordination20176503540
75d2n2dwState of Common Grid Services Definitions20114157696

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.