Journal of Writing Assessment

Parent: UC Davis

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
0934x4rmNeurodivergence and Intersectionality in Labor-Based Grading Contracts379789194116
0j28w67hA Legacy of Grading Contracts for Composition350859110371
1p60j218Enabling Meaningful Labor: Narratives of Participation in a Grading Contract25457527669
36t565mmA Theory of Ethics for Writing Assessment23752516866
1b90q8rdComments on Student Papers: Student Perspectives22424948917
7qh108bwCritique of Mark D. Shermis & Ben Hamner, 'Contrasting State-of-the-Art Automated Scoring of Essays: Analysis'20780475822
9175z7zsWrite Outside the Boxes: The Single Point Rubric in the Secondary ELA Classroom18335555538
7mp54031Editor’s Introduction: Special Issue on Student Self Placement (SSP)18239544841
7v9830xhPlacement is Everyone’s Business: A Love Letter to Our SSP Coalition17537494940
06n1v820Linguistic microfeatures to predict L2 writing proficiency: A case study in Automated Writing Evaluation17243325443
4bg9003kAn Integrated Design and Appraisal Framework for Ethical Writing Assessment17249345534
263565cqThe BABEL Generator and E-Rater: 21st Century Writing Constructs and Automated Essay Scoring (AES)17141593635
2c4979b8Contract Grading and the Development of an Efficacious Writerly Habitus16630653932
03g148ghReliability of National Writing Project's Analytic Writing Continuum Assessment System16241474727
70g147sgAchieving High Goals: The Impact of Contract Grading on High School Students' Academic Performance, Avoidance Orientation, and Social Comparison16234494138
5vq519drGlobalizing Plagiarism & Writing Assessment: A Case Study of Turnitin15545453431
5dp4m86tThe Empirical Development of an Instrument to Measure Writerly Self-Efficacy in Writing Centers15436385327
0xh7v6fbDecolonizing Validity15335333748
07c5j8tpSelf-Characterization in the Self-Placement Assessment Ecology: Complicating the Stories We Tell about DSP’s Effects and Effectiveness15038353938
6w87j2wpReframing Reliability for Writing Assessment14434334631
3pc0n4dzAfter Implementation: Assessing Student Self-Placement in College Writing Programs14236303442
3wz6s1qbDirected Self-Placement for Multilingual, Multicultural International Students13938363827
5f79g6kzCollege Students' Use of a Writing Rubric: Effect on Quality of Writing, Self-Efficacy, and Writing Practices13933414223
4v65z263Building Student Agency Through Contract Grading in Technical Communication13727304139
02q4g1gtContract Grading in a Technical Writing Classroom: A Case Study13332463817
1bn464xsTesting the Tests, a review of George Hillocks: The Testing Trap: How State Writing Assessments Control Learning13240343424
7gz1c60wDynamic Patterns: Emotional Episodes within Teachers' Response Practices12525652213
3c26v2hhThe Effects of Student-Fashioning and Teacher-Pleasing in the Assessment of First-Year Writing Reflective Essays11919333037
9sm4851wLocalizing Directed Self-Placement: UX Stories and Methods11816242652
2bt3m3nfThis is Not Only a Test: Exploring Structured Ethical Blindness in the Testing Industry11649351814
4xb1c9gjThe Effect of Scoring Order on the Independence of Holistic and Analytic Scores11427234222
7gg6v4gjIt Takes a Campus: Agility in the Development of Directed Self-Placement11227253228
9fw125t3Informing Self-Placement: A Polyvocal Narrative Case Study11236183325
9z65k7wjSlouching Toward Sustainability: Mixed Methods in the Direct Assessment of Student Writing11214303434
7m18h956Validity inquiry of race and shared evaluation practices in a large-scale, university-wide writing portfolio assessment11132233323
6vn170k5The Strange Loop of Self-Efficacy and the Value of Focus Groups in Writing Program Assessment110110
93b9g3t6Big Rubrics and Weird Genres: The Futility of Using Generic Assessment Tools Across Diverse Instructional Contexts10929262925
2jw1298dSupporting Student Linguistic Identity and Autonomy in Directed Self Placement Through Linguistic Domains Using Qualtrics Scoring10426292128
2w69x0w5Shifting the Locus of Control: Why the Common Core State Standards and Emerging Standardized Tests May Reshape College Writing Classrooms10335242816
3zw9h7p9Stories About Grading Contracts, or How Do I Like Through the Violence I've Done?10320253028
3gm126sqConstruct Validity and the Demise of the Analytical Writing Placement Examination (AWPE) at the University of California: A Tale of Social Mobility102102
3dc6w4hgWhat Do We Reward in Reflection? Assessing Reflective Writing with the Index for Metacognitive Knowledge10122233125
9hn4297fEditor’s Introduction: The “Accidental California Issue” – Critical Questions about Fairness and Equity in Writing Assessment and Placement 9797
20w3m5d9Assessing Academic Discourse: Levels of Competence in Handling Knowledge From Sources9625152927
4b85378nCollaborative Writing Placement: Partnering with Students in the Placement Process9696
8nq5w3t0Introduction to a Special Issue on a Theory of Ethics for Writing Assessment9524232622
8393560sIntroduction: Writing Assessment, Placement, and the Two-Year College9411294014
9hw9p7hcBook Review: Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Writing Classroom by Asao B. Inoue9321232920
6qc0j26vPerceptions of Fairness in Summer Bridge Classrooms with Contract Grades911845199
5k95w77tDescribing the Chameleon: The Shapes and Functions of Assessment Portfolios, a review of Sandra Murphy and Terry Underwood: Portfolio Practices: Lessons from Schools, Districts and States8928182419

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.