San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science

Parent: Institute of the Environment

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
2r71j15rClimate Change and the Delta1,8697439917839
1888w24rNine Takeaways from a Quarter Century Working with the Interagency Ecological Program548259289
1pt6w706Management of Tidal Wetland Restoration and Fish in the Upper San Francisco Estuary: Where are We Now and How Do We Move Forward? A Summary of the 2023 Wetland Science Symposium500215285
4ds2n8ztSeasonal and Size-Specific Occupancy of Striped Bass in the Stanislaus River, California3911565010481
43w4j002Investigation of Floating Peat Wetlands, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California368119249
09k9f76sDelta Smelt: Life History and Decline of a Once-Abundant Species in the San Francisco Estuary367156687271
9wm592qqIndividual-Based Ecological Particle Tracking Model (ECO-PTM) for Simulating Juvenile Chinook Salmon Migration and Survival Through the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta337113224
0st5r5c8Bird Habitat Value and Management Priorities of the California Winter Rice Habitat Incentive Program3222158137106
02g199bzEvery Cog and Wheel: Identifying Biocomplexity at the Genomic and Phenotypic Level in a Population Complex of Chinook Salmon321152169
7sb7440wBenefits and Economic Costs of Managed Aquifer Recharge in California303421029069
0725n5vkCritical Assessment of the Delta Smelt Population in the San Francisco Estuary, California299825710555
9bp499mvOpen Water Processes of the San Francisco Estuary: From Physical Forcing to Biological Responses28982827154
8mh3r97jClarifying Effects of Environmental Protections on Freshwater Flows to—and Water Exports from—the San Francisco Bay Estuary270202172724
3sk0450gSurveying Waterfowl Broods in Wetlands Using Aerial Drones266254910884
7892b2wpSturgeon in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Watershed: New Insights to Support Conservation and Management26415797793
4202g2p6Status and Trends of Breeding Ardeidae in the San Francisco Bay Region253244011772
1hq3504jHistorical and Future Relations Between Large Storms and Droughts in California24259616359
1dz769dbStatus, Trends, and Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms Along the Freshwater-to-Marine Gradient in the San Francisco Bay–Delta System23348494789
21v9x1t7Central Valley Salmon: A Perspective on Chinook and Steelhead in the Central Valley of California22470466543
2x91q0frLinking Hydrodynamic Complexity to Delta Smelt (<em>Hypomesus transpacificus</em>) Distribution in the San Francisco Estuary, USA22257455268
3653x9xcFramework for Assessing Viability of Threatened and Endangered Chinook Salmon and Steelhead in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Basin22161464965
707064n0Ecological Restoration: Guidance from Theory21856594756
5dd3n9x3Tidal Wetland Restoration in San Francisco Bay: History and Current Issues21047545653
2xb097t7Climate Change Impacts on San Francisco Estuary Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review20645384776
8p7463cfWestern and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Ecocultural Restoration19939416059
86m0g5szThe Spawning Migration of Delta Smelt in the Upper San Francisco Estuary19661336834
8ck5h3qnPotential Inundation Due to Rising Sea Levels in the San Francisco Bay Region19451595034
4k44725pSubsidence, Sea Level Rise, and Seismicity in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta19056465038
36d88128Migration Patterns of Juvenile Winter-run-sized Chinook Salmon (<em>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</em>) through the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta18945722844
88f1j5htDrought and the California Delta—A Matter of Extremes18950483358
0jc956v6Forage Fish Larvae Distribution and Habitat Use During Contrasting Years of Low and High Freshwater Flow in the San Francisco Estuary18649434945
36t9s0mpFactors and Processes Affecting Delta Levee System Vulnerability18232345957
1ss794fcHistorical Population Structure of Central Valley Steelhead and Its Alteration by Dams18149353364
5271t1bdEcological Effects of Climate-Driven Salinity Variation in the San Francisco Estuary: Can We Anticipate and Manage the Coming Changes?17156294343
5v04j0xcSpatial Patterns of Water Supply and Use in California16827296250
0kf0d32xHabitat Variability and Complexity in the Upper San Francisco Estuary16359323042
3nd0r71dChallenges Facing the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta: Complex, Chaotic, or Simply Cantankerous?15547284535
5j76502xSubsidence Reversal in a Re-established Wetland in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA14839452935
7xd4x0xwHistoric, Recent, and Future Subsidence, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA14855303033
79q102xmManaged Wetlands for Climate Action: Potential Greenhouse Gas and Subsidence Mitigation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta14739333144
97n052p9Carbon Sequestration and Subsidence Reversal in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Bay: Management Opportunities for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation14639312947
1sk1c7pkDry Me a River: Ecological Effects of Drought in the Upper San Francisco Estuary14437372248
7bz4v4csEcocultural Equality in the Miwkoʔ Waaliʔ14336182168
8rb3z3njManaging for Salmon Resilience in California’s Variable and Changing Climate14336274436
9rw9b5tjPredation on Fishes in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta: Current Knowledge and Future Directions14153273229
2k06n13xIs Extinction Inevitable for Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt? An Opinion and Recommendations for Recovery13947332732
7v92h6fsLosses of Sacramento River Chinook Salmon and Delta Smelt to Entrainment in Water Diversions in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta13732284730
1h7375k3The Anatomy of a Drought in the Upper San Francisco Estuary: Water Quality and Lower-Trophic Responses to Multi-Year Droughts Over a Long-Term Record (1975-2021)13436442232
4z17h9qmWildlife Response to Riparian Restoration on the Sacramento River13123353538
9wr5j84gLevee Decisions and Sustainability for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta12944421627

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.