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Parent: Road Ecology Center

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9693w540Habitat fragmentation due to infrastructure342333099.6%
8gj3x1dcAn overview of methods and approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures: emphasizing the science in applied science2142818613.1%
2cc2s81wOverview of animal detection and animal warning systems in North America and Europe2113018114.2%
2f1080nmEffectiveness of Earthen Return Ramps in Reducing Big Game Highway Mortality in Utah135488735.6%
7j7546qvAmphibian road kills: a global perspective127329525.2%
0cr570jtState of Washington Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA)12011190.8%
0jq176tgWildlife crossings in North America: the state of the science and practice120249620.0%
1hv8x2bfRole of Fencing in Promoting Wildlife Underpass Use and Highway Permeability109179215.6%
4wd0j27jWildlife tunnels and fauna bridges in Poland: past, present and future, 1997-2013109129711.0%
3t43g4rjWildlife-vehicle collision hotspots at US highway extents: scale and data source effects105297627.6%
28n858z1Assessing the impact of pile driving upon fish101128911.9%
8br4h1kbEffectiveness of rope bridge arboreal overpasses and faunal underpasses in providing connectivity for rainforest fauna101158614.9%
0mf9859vThe effect of road kills on amphibian populations94445046.8%
244019qmThe aftermath of Hurricane Ivan: reconstructing roadways while recovering species924884.3%
66j8095xOvercoming the Barrier Effect of Roads-How Effective Are Mitigation Strategies?91236825.3%
6bz1v7pfFifty years of bird song research: a case study in animal behaviour91246726.4%
6vr0n5bqUnder the Boardwalk – Case History – St. John’s Sideroad at the McKenzie Wetland, Aurora, Ontario, Canada915865.5%
3g69z4mnLong-term, year-round monitoring of wildlife crossing structures and the importance of temporal and spatial variability in performance studies89256428.1%
3v67w722An Analysis of the Efficacy and Comparative Costs of Using Flow Devices to Resolve Conflicts with North American Beavers Along Roadways in the Coastal Plain of Virginia89177219.1%
8d73q0mjEcological Effects of Roads Infrastructure on Herpetofauna: Understanding Biology and Increasing Communication87315635.6%
3ts9d194Impacts of highway construction and traffic on a wetland bird community856797.1%
6x36z0r6Temporal loss of wetlands as justification for higher mitigation ratios851841.2%
2p7927vtWildlife/roadkill observation and reporting systems84285633.3%
8xb0z15wGood and bad places for roads: effects of varying road and natural pattern on habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation81176421.0%
22t1h3q1Effect of road traffic on amphibian density79413851.9%
3t24s427Effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures and adapted culverts in a highway in Northwest Spain79235629.1%
579911npA Review of the Influences of Road Crossing on Warmwater Fishes in Ouachita Mountain Streams, Ouachita National Forest7887010.3%
4fx6c79tTraffic Volume as a Primary Road Characteristic Impacting Wildlife: A Tool for Land Use and Transportation Planning75175822.7%
8g73q820Design and construction of aquatic organism passage at road-stream crossings: ecological considerations in the design of river and stream crossings68105814.7%
2c78x1f0Effects of highways on elk (Cervus elaphus) habitat in the Western United States and proposed mitigation approaches67115616.4%
8w66w88sThe Swiss defragmentation program–reconnecting wildlife corridors between the Alps and Jura: an overview64323250.0%
9xh563mjCulvert designs for fish passage in Pennsylvania636579.5%
0qz725t8Spotted turtle use of a culvert under relocated Route 44 in Carver, Massachusetts6295314.5%
6s9970wbMonitoring the use of the Slaty Creek wildlife underpass, Calder Freeway, Black Forest, Macedon, Victoria, Australia622603.2%
22h2s7jtA Massive Increase in Roadside Woody Vegetation: Goals, Pros, and Cons6185313.1%
4q576877How far into a forest does the effect of a road extend? Defining road edge effect in eucalypt forests of South-Eastern Australia60164426.7%
6mc7x9mxOcelot management and conservation along transportation corridors in Southern Texas60114918.3%
0kr0x064Highway mortality of turtles and other herpetofauna at Lake Jackson, Florida, USA, and the efficacy of a temporary fence/culvert system to reduce roadkills59134622.0%
91c3z0rgA GIS-based identification of potentially significant wildlife habitats associated with roads in Vermont5985113.6%
9kr1w8fpIdentification and management of linkage zones for grizzly bears between the large blocks of public land in the Northern Rocky Mountains575528.8%
0tm3n517Road-Crossing Structures for Amphibians and Reptiles: Informing Design through Behavioral Analysis54134124.1%
6m2252jzHigh, wide, and handsome: designing more effective wildlife and fish crossings for roads and highways54114320.4%
9ms8f1k6Effects of Roadway Traffic on Wild Ungulates: A Review of the Literature and Case Study of Elk in Arizona54163829.6%
3qm680qbLarge animal-vehicle collisions in the Central Canadian Rocky Mountains: patterns and characteristics53163730.2%
4rz7c2npAdaptive Planning for Transportation Corridors Threatened by Sea Level Rise53143926.4%
97d454fjValuation and Crediting Approaches for Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Agencies5264611.5%
6669x4gxScaling roads and wildlife: the Cinderella principle5194217.6%
3793w5xvAn Alternative to the Openness Ratio for Wildlife Crossing Structures Using Structure Physical Attributes and Behavioral Implications of Deep Vision and Hearing Capabilities504468.0%
6ts509wbIdentifying the best locations to provide safe highway crossing opportunities for wildlife49113822.4%
2rm731wwFactors influencing the road mortality of snakes on the Upper Snake River Plain, Idaho48113722.9%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.