UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs

Parent: UCLA School of Law

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
8hh975hcBridging the Accountability Gap: A Call to Action for Migrants Subjected to Abuse in U.S. Custody346216130
3636p0spSpace Law, Human Rights and Corporate Accountability32888629682
5b87861xHacked and Leaked: Legal Issues Arising From the Use of Unlawfully Obtained Digital Evidence in International Criminal Cases28275676674
3522j1djSea Peoples & Marine Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia: An International Human Rights Approach in Support of Indigenous Rights to Environment24775804943
71f479bkBack Again: How Airborne Strikes Against al-Shabaab Further U.S. Imperialism16356107
6zx8n7z6A New Path Forward? How Attention to Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights Could Increase U.S. Indigenous and African-American Civil Society Engagement with the Inter-American Human Rights System15647109
11b2525fThe Changing Logic of International Economic Law14326354240
8gw0533bSanctioning Corruption? An Analysis of the Relationship Between Economic Sanctions and Anti-Corruption Efforts13926394034
64j2n9nzReimagining Rights in the Americas1334192
1k39n4t9Should We Trust a Black Box to Safeguard Human Rights? A Comparative Analysis of AI Governance11918204239
72m2x2d7Climate Change, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law11343342016
5bk379rdThe Rights of Nature in the Colombian Amazon: Examining Challenges and Opportunities in a Transitional Justice Setting9827272321
0t259988Expanding the Gender of Genocidal Sexual Violence: Towards the Inclusion of Men, Transgender Women, and People Outside the Binary9032221719
5rz2h4wjComparative Norm Design: The U.S. Rules Model and the German Standards Model in Criminal Justice and Beyong9017252226
73p2457vIn the Best Interest of Children: A Proposal for Corporate Guardians Ad Litem8418212421
56n1p415Protection of the Natural Environment Under International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law: The Case of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia8316401017
7t69d9cdAn Analysis of Greece's Potential Violations of the Refugee Convention and the Rome Statute in its Treatment of Refugees7716142027
4jw0h3m6Underutilization of ADR in ISDS: Resolving Treaty Interpretation Issues7214222115
9nw1v048Leasing the Rain: Water, Privatization, and Human Rights591222205
63d701j3Locating Novel Protections for the Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous Communities in Customary International Law5714151513
85n9v6k3The Judicial Activism of Inaction: India’s National Green Tribunal and the Reeducation of U.S. Jurists541412919
6wm065rcExceptionality: A Typology of Covid-19 Emergency Powers50818177
0m50k8rdInterdependence at the International Criminal Court: Reconceptualizing our Understanding of the Court and its Failures471610912
3kd5b8p7Better Late Than Never? SOGI Asylum Claims and 'Late Disclosure' Through a Foucauldian Lens461081414
2k22975xFrom USHKPA to HKHRDA and HKAA: The Turnings of U.S.–China Policy and the End of Hong Kong’s Full Autonomy41671216
47p733svHistoricizing Anthropomorphic Rationalizations as System Justification Practices in International Law: A Critical Account of Vitoria’s Jus Gentium3742274
67q3k75zFront Matter3789119
5px919gzFront Matter321121
8ff4z74zThrough The ATS Door, Now What? The Prevalence of MNC Misconduct, Disguise & Manipulation3171158
9393p6mtSouth Korea Shatters the Paradigm: Corporate Liability, Historical Accountability, and the Second World War309768
9mv9g0zzTreaties Unchained: Restoring Checkers and Balances to Executive Agreement-Making in the U.N. Security Council2611573
59p4500vLitigating the Frontlines: Why African Community Rights Cases Are Climate Change Cases236944
4h432197Front Matter205465
9nb6305hPandemic Borders and Racial Borders: Keynote Delivered at the 2020 Annual Symposium of the UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs203764
48k6q8dpFront Matter165551
3kd365hnTable of Contents154452
3tm2z430Human Rights and the Climate Crisis: International and Domestic Legal Strategies134342
5kc7p98bFront Matter121371
97f4h0ffFront Matter12435
3f11h02kFront Matter112342
3qp116q7Table of Contents103232
54n6s29qTable of Contents83122
13d1k604Table of Contents5221

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