UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs

Parent: UCLA School of Law

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8hh975hcBridging the Accountability Gap: A Call to Action for Migrants Subjected to Abuse in U.S. Custody52115836330.3%
5b87861xHacked and Leaked: Legal Issues Arising From the Use of Unlawfully Obtained Digital Evidence in International Criminal Cases2975724019.2%
3636p0spSpace Law, Human Rights and Corporate Accountability29412816643.5%
3522j1djSea Peoples & Marine Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia: An International Human Rights Approach in Support of Indigenous Rights to Environment2377815932.9%
71f479bkBack Again: How Airborne Strikes Against al-Shabaab Further U.S. Imperialism2243918517.4%
6zx8n7z6A New Path Forward? How Attention to Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights Could Increase U.S. Indigenous and African-American Civil Society Engagement with the Inter-American Human Rights System2218114036.7%
64j2n9nzReimagining Rights in the Americas1963216416.3%
72m2x2d7Climate Change, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law1541153974.7%
0t259988Expanding the Gender of Genocidal Sexual Violence: Towards the Inclusion of Men, Transgender Women, and People Outside the Binary132438932.6%
11b2525fThe Changing Logic of International Economic Law114476741.2%
8gw0533bSanctioning Corruption? An Analysis of the Relationship Between Economic Sanctions and Anti-Corruption Efforts112615154.5%
5bk379rdThe Rights of Nature in the Colombian Amazon: Examining Challenges and Opportunities in a Transitional Justice Setting99346534.3%
56n1p415Protection of the Natural Environment Under International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law: The Case of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia88375142.0%
1k39n4t9Should We Trust a Black Box to Safeguard Human Rights? A Comparative Analysis of AI Governance82196323.2%
73p2457vIn the Best Interest of Children: A Proposal for Corporate Guardians Ad Litem8087210.0%
5rz2h4wjComparative Norm Design: The U.S. Rules Model and the German Standards Model in Criminal Justice and Beyong75294638.7%
63d701j3Locating Novel Protections for the Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous Communities in Customary International Law73314242.5%
4jw0h3m6Underutilization of ADR in ISDS: Resolving Treaty Interpretation Issues68402858.8%
7t69d9cdAn Analysis of Greece's Potential Violations of the Refugee Convention and the Rome Statute in its Treatment of Refugees68175125.0%
9nw1v048Leasing the Rain: Water, Privatization, and Human Rights65273841.5%
85n9v6k3The Judicial Activism of Inaction: India’s National Green Tribunal and the Reeducation of U.S. Jurists63115217.5%
6wm065rcExceptionality: A Typology of Covid-19 Emergency Powers59164327.1%
3kd5b8p7Better Late Than Never? SOGI Asylum Claims and 'Late Disclosure' Through a Foucauldian Lens58243441.4%
5px919gzFront Matter58184031.0%
2k22975xFrom USHKPA to HKHRDA and HKAA: The Turnings of U.S.–China Policy and the End of Hong Kong’s Full Autonomy54124222.2%
0m50k8rdInterdependence at the International Criminal Court: Reconceptualizing our Understanding of the Court and its Failures45103522.2%
8ff4z74zThrough The ATS Door, Now What? The Prevalence of MNC Misconduct, Disguise & Manipulation3643211.1%
9mv9g0zzTreaties Unchained: Restoring Checkers and Balances to Executive Agreement-Making in the U.N. Security Council36132336.1%
67q3k75zFront Matter34181652.9%
47p733svHistoricizing Anthropomorphic Rationalizations as System Justification Practices in International Law: A Critical Account of Vitoria’s Jus Gentium31121938.7%
59p4500vLitigating the Frontlines: Why African Community Rights Cases Are Climate Change Cases3192229.0%
9nb6305hPandemic Borders and Racial Borders: Keynote Delivered at the 2020 Annual Symposium of the UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs28111739.3%
9393p6mtSouth Korea Shatters the Paradigm: Corporate Liability, Historical Accountability, and the Second World War26121446.2%
4h432197Front Matter2061430.0%
3kd365hnTable of Contents1931615.8%
3tm2z430Human Rights and the Climate Crisis: International and Domestic Legal Strategies1871138.9%
48k6q8dpFront Matter1761135.3%
3f11h02kFront Matter1641225.0%
3qp116q7Table of Contents1541126.7%
54n6s29qTable of Contents141137.1%
97f4h0ffFront Matter134930.8%
5kc7p98bFront Matter1221016.7%
13d1k604Table of Contents8080.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.