Research Reports

Parent: UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
3np3p2t0Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero1,008162220404222
82w2z91jDisruptive Transportation: The Adoption, Utilization, and Impacts of Ride-Hailing in the United States898209185231273
7s25d8bcTechnology, Sustainability, and Marketing of Battery Electric and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Trucks and Buses in 2020-2040839114136260329
1zg00532Techno-Economic Models for Carbon Dioxide Compression, Transport, and Storage & Correlations for Estimating Carbon Dioxide Density and Viscosity506111116137142
133538gwFuel-Cell Vehicle and Hydrogen Transitions in California: Scenarios, Cost Analysis, and Workforce Implications4806455109252
0q83t5fdReleasing the Pressure: Understanding Upstream Graphite Value Chains and Implications for Supply Diversification4158612812180
22s2v6k5Designing Electric Truck Incentives for India3753681258
2r66k788Is Micromobility Being Used in Place of Car Trips in Daily Travel (or “Trip Chains”)?3726527631
3qn422qgAssessing the Potential for Densification and VMT Reduction in Areas Without Rail Transit Access3683865144121
2b05w8pkDemocratization of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Analyzing EV Adoption by Vehicle and Household Characteristics Using Synthetic Populations333354299157
7m2536mpElectric Vehicle Lithium-ion Batteries in Lower- and Middle-income Countries: Life Cycle Impacts and Issues323107576594
20v0f1r8Travel Demand Modeling and the Assessment of Environmental Impacts: A Literature Review309159150
6j66v8kcEvaluating Universal Basic Mobility Pilot Programs in Oakland and Bakersfield, California2875516072
9863j1fzExploring Microtransit Adoption and its Impacts on Transportation Access for Underserved Populations2752827220
0vn7x67pThe Cost of Manufacturing Electric Vehicle Drivetrains27457598573
4z94w3xrEffects of Increased Weights of Alternative Fuel Trucks on Pavement and Bridges250584942101
59x3z9zbBarriers to Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Transportation Part 2: Investigating Evolving Travel Behaviors in the Post-Pandemic Period in California245312460130
1hh9b9mfUpdating the Induced Travel Calculator23547467864
08h3p0r6Mobility, Energy, and Emissions Impacts of SAEVs to Disadvantaged Communities in California23431467681
2gk0j8kqUsing Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Costs to Estimate Hydrogen Pipeline Costs23466455766
8nk2c96dTransportation Module of Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM): Model Documentation- Version 1.023154575763
6wm51523What Affects Millennials’ Mobility? Part I: Investigating the Environmental Concerns, Lifestyles, Mobility-Related Attitudes and Adoption of Technology of Young Adults in California22848485577
8c20q0rfEstimating Residential Electric Vehicle Electricity Use225282725145
2v7873dmQuantifying the benefits of hybrid vehicles21634406379
71h6g0tdExamining Market Segmentation to Increase Bike-Share Use: The Case of the Greater Sacramento Region21249575353
0310t8kxMoving Beyond the Colors: The Full Life-Cycle Emissions of Hydrogen Production Pathways for California211283546102
3v6047fhEnd of Life EV Battery Policy Simulator: A dynamic systems, mixed-methods approach20341424278
5vf1b6s1Results of the 2023-2024 Campus Travel Survey20363193685
7mj2b24qThe Implications of Freeway Siting in California: Four Case Studies on the Effects of Freeways on Neighborhoods of Color20341395370
99s396gwTechnology Review and Roadmap for Inventorying Complete Streets for Integration into Pavement Asset Management Systems20321356186
52j400b1Internal Combustion Engine Bans and Global Oil Use19939436354
8m46128hAddressing Vulnerabilities in the Supply Chain of Critical Minerals19859424156
7r94h26cAssessing the Economic Impact of Speed Limit Changes on Safety and Mobility in California19387323935
3jn371hwFighting for Curb Space: Parking, Ride-Hailing, Urban Freight Deliveries, and Other Users18333387438
3pn8s961The Development of Lifecycle Data for Hydrogen Fuel Production and Delivery17841355052
49t729rcTensions and Trade-offs in Planning and Policymaking for Transit-Oriented Development, Transit, and Active Transport in California Cities17867671925
21x0c45bAir Travelers’ Ground Transportation Choices at Four Airports in Northern California17424249828
0tn4m2txUnderstanding the Distributional Impacts of Vehicle Policy: Who Buys New and Used Alternative Vehicles?16636373657
5hg5m6smResearch Synthesis for the California Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force16682342129
5s93r8wbLessons Learned from Abroad: Potential Influence of California High-Speed Rail on Economic Development, Land Use Patterns, and Future Growth of Cities16416403771
4fm8z1ctIntegrating Micromobility with Public Transit: A Case Study of the California Bay Area16321435643
7p19k8c6Do Electricity Prices Affect Electric Vehicle Adoption?15432513932
17h3k4dbEquitable Congestion Pricing15151362737
2j33z72pPanel Study of Emerging Transportation Technologies and Trends in California: Phase 2 Findings14136393036
30d5k089Parameters Driving Concrete Carbonation at its End-of-Life for Direct Air Capture in Transportation Projects14016203767
58t7674nA Quantitative Investigation into the Impact of Partially Automated Vehicles on Vehicle Miles Travelled in California14045303233
6d58554xSmart Parking Management Field Test: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration14032313146
7fp5s5g2The Application of Permeable Pavement with Emphasis on Successful Design, Water Quality Benefits, and Identification of Knowledge and Data Gaps13932343637
72f801mfImproving Public Safety Through Spatial Synthesis, Mapping, Modeling, and Performance Analysis of Emergency Evacuation Routes in California Localities137137
7425173jHydrogen Storage Options: Technologies and Comparisons for Light-Duty Vehicle Applications13731272455

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.