UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center

Parent: Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
7jx6z631The Benefits of Carpooling1,996386505653452
5w85z07gReview of California Wildfire Evacuations from 2017 to 2019961423194196148
3hh2t4f9Intelligent Transportation Systems69114521424191
00k897b5Shared Micromoblity Policy Toolkit: Docked and Dockless Bike and Scooter Sharing625130169185141
0656t0dhAdvanced Air Mobility: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research needsfor the State of California (2023-2030)601122203137139
8nh0s83qUrban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potential, and Challenges567118135157157
0dk3h89pPlanning for Shared Mobility43791100123123
0r23p1gmUrban Air Mobility: Opportunities and Obstacles 4029493100115
9370z127Understanding Evacuee Behavior: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma3716172111127
2f61q30sShared Mobility: A Sustainability & Technologies Workshop: Definitions, Industry Developments, and Early Understanding35279809598
9dn2j441Multifamily Households Across California are Paying a Lot More to Charge Their Electric Vehicle315696059127
9jh432pmInnovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, And Trends.30176616995
8042k3d7Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Potential to Overcome First- and Last-Mile Public Transit Connections29079647275
05k9k6b6Bicycle Evolution in China: From the 1900s to the Present28561557396
0fz0x1s2Urban Air Mobility Market Study27970597674
9678b4xsShared Mobility Policy Playbook27567488575
46p6n2skShared Mobility: The Potential of Ride Hailing and Pooling26675705170
7p69d2bgThe Potential Societal Barriers of Urban Air Mobility (UAM)24556685368
7z69v4wpAmmonia as an Alternative Energy Storage Medium for Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Scientific and Technical Review for Near-Term Stationary Power Demonstration Projects, Final Report22947655067
3s40x2x2Online and App-Based Carpooling in France: Analyzing Users and Practices—A Study of BlaBlaCar22040387369
0z9711dwChapter 13 - Sharing strategies: carsharing, shared micromobility (bikesharing and scooter sharing), transportation network companies, microtransit, and other innovative mobility modes21342485271
2qs445khCommunities Are Experimenting with Microtransit to Fill Critical Gaps in Public Transit Service – What Have We Learned so Far?20933325391
2wr9q8c2Shared ride services in North America: definitions, impacts, and the future of pooling19536364875
6p3305b0A Short History of Carsharing in the 90's17530406243
60v8r346Just A Better Taxi? A Survey-Based Comparison of Taxis, Transit, and Ridesourcing Services in San Francisco16131325840
5030f0cdChapter 3 - Mobility on demand (MOD) and mobility as a service (MaaS): early understanding of shared mobility impacts and public transit partnerships15935383749
7fh4w0q5Carsharing and Personal Vehicle Services: Worldwide Market Developments and Emerging Trends15833365336
0gz3b3fxShared Mobility: Current Practices and Guiding Principles Brief15739404533
96j5r729Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Industry Developments and Early Understanding of Impacts15339392451
98z4b5rrDo Incentives Make a Difference? Understanding Smart Charging Program Adoption for Electric Vehicles15241333939
9b51w7h6Compliance, Congestion, and Social Equity: Tackling Critical Evacuation Challenges through the Sharing Economy, Joint Choice Modeling, and Regret Minimization15134235341
2gv2h5vrStruggling to Connect: Housing and Transportation Challenges of Low-Income Suburban Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area15021393654
61q03282Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook; Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, and Trends15027324447
3mc5m6pnImpacts of car2go on Vehicle Ownership, Modal Shift, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Analysis of Five North American Cities14824234160
0cx0d1b8Mobile Apps and Transportation: A Review of Smartphone Apps and A Study of User Response to Multimodal Traveler Information14334234442
49j961wbInnovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook14337313243
7010k9p3Public Bikesharing and Modal Shift Behavior: A Comparative Study of Early Bikesharing Systems in North America14134353438
15t657r2Future of Public Transit and Shared Mobility: Scenario Planning for COVID-19 Recovery13439282641
4fm7d34jUnderstanding California wildfire evacuee behavior and joint choice making13446223135
14d994bnCarsharing in Europe and North American: Past, Present, and Future12825234238
90b6d7r3Impacts of Transportation Network Companies on Vehicle Miles Traveled, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Travel Behavior Analysis from the Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and San Francisco Markets12124292543
8474n9tkPolicy Considerations for Advancing Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charging in California11824204430
8kz5r10bAn Initial Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of Urban Air Mobility11327293126
2f5896tpCarsharing's Impact and Future11127262731
8x88036rZero-Emission Bus Implementation Guidebook for California Transit Fleets10928241740
49b8b9w0A Legal and Regulatory Assessment for the Potential of Urban Air Mobility (UAM)10821272634
2zp0z4cnChapter 12: Shared Micromobility Policy and Practices in the United states10525272627
8kt9q81wShared Mobility in Low- and High-Income Regions10430172928
9hs209r2Reimagining the Future of Transportation with Personal Flight: Preparing and Planning for Urban Air Mobility10325231639
8dq801g7Smartphone Applications to Influence Travel Choices: Practices and Policies10022233025

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.