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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

A Jagged Anisotropic Mechanically Jamming Appendage for Locomotion

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Many types of bio-inspired appendages have been designed for locomotion on various terrains. In this paper, a novel Jagged Anisotropic Mechanically Jamming (JAMJam) Appendage is presented which is passively compliant and super-underactuated, needing only one actuator to power multiple appendages. The JAMJam's characteristics are studied, with 'straight' appendages generating less force than 'curved' appendages, but requiring smaller sweep angle. A robot utilizing the appendages is designed for shallow-water environments, which can both walk while semi-submerged at up to 9 cm/s and swim at 7.2 cm/s. The robot is capable of locomotion in both turf and sandy laboratory conditions, and can traverse over obstacles in its path.

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This item is under embargo until June 27, 2025.