Echolocation click discrimination for three killer whale ecotypes in the Northeastern Pacific.
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Three killer whale ecotypes are found in the Northeastern Pacific: residents, transients, and offshores. These ecotypes can be discriminated in passive acoustic data based on distinct pulsed call repertoires. Killer whale acoustic encounters for which ecotypes were assigned based on pulsed call matching were used to characterize the ecotype-specific echolocation clicks. Recordings were made using seafloor-mounted sensors at shallow (∼120 m) and deep (∼1400 m) monitoring locations off the coast of Washington state. All ecotypes' echolocation clicks were characterized by energy peaks between 12 and 19 kHz, however, resident clicks featured sub peaks at 13.7 and 18.8 kHz, while offshore clicks had a single peak at 14.3 kHz. Transient clicks were rare and were characterized by lower peak frequencies (12.8 kHz). Modal inter-click intervals (ICIs) were consistent but indistinguishable for resident and offshore killer whale encounters at the shallow site (0.21-0.22 s). Offshore ICIs were longer and more variable at the deep site, and no modal ICI was apparent for the transient ecotype. Resident and offshore killer whale ecotype may be identified and distinguished in large passive acoustic datasets based on properties of their echolocation clicks, however, transient echolocation may be unsuitable in isolation as a cue for monitoring applications.
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