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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

Small but mighty rhomboid pseudoprotease Dfm1 mediates a novel role in regulating lipid homeostasis and proteotoxic stress

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In biological systems, efficient folding and assembly is necessary for cell health and longevity. Nascent proteins are initially targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they are correctly folded and assembled before being delivered to their final cellular destinations. When proteins are not folded correctly, the proteostasis network (PN) acts to degrade the aberrant proteins, and thus, prevent cellular stress. The PN is a complex network of different proteins, multiple organelles, including the ER, Golgi, endolysosomal system, lipids, and degradation pathways that work in concert to maintain protein homeostasis.

An ER-resident protein and member of the rhomboid protein family, Dfm1, has been found to be required for the identification and degradation of misfolded membrane proteins at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), along with having various other functions including substrate binding, lipid thinning, and AAA-ATPase recruitment. Dfm1 is a well-studied protein; however, not all its biological functions are known. Using genetic, protein, and biochemical approaches in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this dissertation describes our original work in demonstrating Dfm1 as a chaperone-like protein that does not require recruitment of the ATPase Cdc48, a finding distinct from Dfm1’s previously identified function in dislocating misfolded membrane proteins to the cytosol for degradation in ER‐associated degradation (ERAD). Additionally, we establish another independent and novel role of Dfm1 in the sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway. Here, Dfm1 facilitates sphingolipid homeostasis by exporting phosphorylated Orm2, a key sphingolipid biosynthesis regulating enzyme, from the ER which results in the degradation of Orm2 through Endosome and Golgi-Associated Degradation (EGAD). Additionally, it has been found that lipid and protein homeostasis are tightly linked, so this work aims to develop a holistic system for further investigation of Dfm1’s role in regulating sphingolipid biosynthetic enzymes. Taken together, this dissertation highlights Dfm1’s extensive role in chaperone-like regulation of membrane protein aggregation stress and its novel role in sphingolipid biosynthesis. Given that the accumulation of aberrant misfolded proteins and dysregulation of sphingolipids are associated with various pathologies, this study serves as a molecular foothold for understanding how dysregulation of proteins and sphingolipid metabolism leads to various diseases.

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This item is under embargo until October 7, 2026.