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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

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Relationships between blood-brain barrier disruption and Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in aging

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The major theory of causation for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is deposition of the protein Aβ, however it is unclear how aging influences amyloid accumulation or why cognitive decline can occur in its absence. Evidence suggests that neurovascular dysfunction, such as blood-brain barrier disruption (BBBd), is related to neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment, and that this relationship may occur independently of AD pathology. Although there is evidence of BBBd during aging and AD, the direct relationship between breakdown of the BBB and AD biomarkers, as well as cognition, has not been thoroughly investigated in humans using multi-modal neuroimaging methods. As such, it is important identify the role, if any, that BBBd has in the development of AD pathology and cognitive decline in aging.

The first project investigates the regional pattern of BBBd, measured using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) during aging in a sample of cognitively normal older adults (OA) and young adults (YA). We found that OA had greater BBBd in regions primarily in the temporal lobe, with some involvement of the parietal and occipital lobes. This pattern of BBBd overlaps considerably with known topography of typical AD pathology. We also found that APOE4 carriers had significantly greater BBBd than non-carriers. Next, we examined whether BBBd in these regions was associated with AD biomarkers, measured using positron emission tomography (PET). BBBd was not associated with tau, however we did find a significant correlation between increased Aβ and increased BBBd in temporal and parietal brain regions. These results indicate important associations between aging, the spatial pattern of BBBd, and possible associations with AD pathology.

It is unclear whether BBBd is directly related to atrophy and cognition or if this relationship depends on AD biomarkers of Aβ and tau. Thus, the second project investigates the relationship between BBBd, atrophy, and episodic memory and non-memory performance. We found that participants with greater BBBd and smaller regional volume/thickness had lower episodic memory scores. Interestingly, this relationship was independent of Aβ and tau and specific for episodic memory, which suggests that the combined effect of greater BBBd and atrophy may operate through a separate pathway from the AD pathogenic cascade to affect memory performance.

There is conflicting animal model evidence concerning whether Aβ and tau lead to BBBd or the reverse; however, the temporal sequence for the relationship between BBBd, AD biomarkers, and cognition has not been investigated in humans using neuroimaging methods. The third project uses longitudinal data, collected prior to BBBd measurement, to examine the relationship between global Aβ accumulation, regional tau accumulation, regional atrophy, cognitive decline, and subsequent BBBd. We found that both EC tau accumulation and episodic memory decline were associated with greater HC BBBd, however these two factors were not independent of each other. There was a significant interaction, where the combined effect of increased EC tau accumulation and worse episodic memory decline was associated with greater HC BBBd, independent of global Aβ changes and regional atrophy. We did not find any associations between longitudinal Aβ accumulation or atrophy and BBBd, but further studies with larger samples are needed to confirm this.

Taken together, these results further our understanding of the potential role of neurovascular dysfunction in the AD pathway and cognitive decline. Our results indicate that during aging there is considerable overlap of brain regions with increased BBBd and regions that accumulate typical AD pathology. This BBBd has a complex relationship with AD biomarkers and cognition, but overall suggest that BBBd may be important in the pathogenesis of AD, but also may have an influence on memory performance in the absence of AD pathology.

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This item is under embargo until September 27, 2025.