Consent-to-Contact Registry: A New Tool for Accelerating Clinical Research Recruitment at UCI
C-2-C, UCI MIND, and ICTS Translational Science Research Day 2017, University of California Irvine
Introduction: The most consistent barrier to improved medical care is slow recruitment to clinical research. To help clinical investigators at UCI overcome this barrier, we developed a potential participant registry. The UCI Consent-to-Contact Registry (C2C, is an online repository of individuals who have given permission to be contacted about studies for which they may be eligible. The objective of the registry is to enhance clinical research recruitment at UCI. Investigators from all departments and schools have the opportunity to recruit through the registry, provided that they have IRB approval to do so and complete the necessary components to access the registry with the organizers. The C2C is supported by HCP, Inc; NIA AG106573; and UL1 TR000153.