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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

The Regulation and Activity of Schlafen11


Schlafen11 (SLFN11) is a relatively unknown human interferon stimulated gene (ISG) whose activity and regulation are poorly understood. SLFN11 is part of the SLFN family of genes, which are primarily found in mammals [1]. The first biological function of SLFN11 was discovered by our lab in 2012, which found that SLFN11 down-regulates the speed at which human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) synthesizes its protein by exploiting HIV’s codon usage bias [2].

In the same year, two separate reports found that SLFN11 sensitizes cancer cells upon exposure to DNA damage agents (DDAs) [3][4], however the mechanism for this sensitization had not been uncovered. In chapter 1 of this dissertation, we show that SLFN11 down-regulates translation of an important DNA damage signaling protein, ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related (ATR), as well as prove that the down-regulation of ATR is responsible for the sensitization. We then found that upon treatment of camptothecin (CPT), a topoisomerase 1 (Top1) inhibitor, SLFN11 down-regulates type II transfer RNA (tRNA) (Leucines and Serines) via cleavage. Lastly, SLFN11 appears to inhibit translation of proteins whose codon profile prefer Leu(TTA) and Leu(CTT) codons due to the low abundance of their corresponding tRNA. Our discovery of this novel mechanism is important not only for advancing knowledge of SLFN11’s role in cancer, but also in helping to pave a path in the development of novel chemotherapeutics.

One aspect of SLFN11 that has not been explored and is poorly understood is its regulation. My work seeks to uncover this uncertainty, specifically furthering our understanding of how phosphorylation regulates SLFN11. In chapter 2 of this dissertation, we show three putative phosphorylation sites of SLFN11 via mass spectrometry and mutagenic analysis. At these three sites, SLFN11 loses the ability to down-regulate type II tRNA and subsequently protein translation inhibition when the site is mutated to Aspartic acid (phosphor-mimic), but retains its activity when mutated to Alanine (un-phosphorylatable residue). We further found that the SLFN11 Alanine mutants exploit the codon profile of a protein with complete bias towards Leu(TTA) and Leu(CTT) codons, but not Leu(CTG). This work furthers our knowledge of SLFN11 regulation, and aids in the discovery of the phosphatase(s) and kinase(s) activating or inhibiting SLFN11 respectively.

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