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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Berkeley

An Algorithm for Exploring Crystallographic Configuration Space

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Structure-property relationships comprise the foundation of the field of Materials Science. When characterizing the structure of a crystalline solid, traditional approaches have focused on using three generating vectors to define a lattice. These vectors, when combined with offsets defining normalized positions of atoms within each identical unit cell, form the complete specification of a crystal. This intuitive definition forms the current standard for the field of materials science. However, this choice of definition is highly-redundant and obscures relationships between different crystal structures. For instance, there exists an infinite number unit cells and atomic offsets that can define the same crystal structure. Further, it is computationally and mathematically difficult to determine the perturbations necessary to transform one crystal structure into another.

Here, outlined in this thesis, I propose a new scheme for specifying crystal structure based off the complementary ideas of a lattice-normal-form and a basis-normal-form. Together, these provide a unique fingerprint for each crystal structure that is a function only of physical geometry. Further, I develop a traversal algorithm that connects together every possible crystal structure via a series of neighbors, each of which represents a small perturbation to the original crystal geometry: either via a small strain or a small phonon mode amplitude.

Building on this framework, I outline a new algorithm for exploring crystallographic phase space to find saddle points, and I re-derive known low-energy transformation pathways in the Zirconium crystal system. Together, this study and this framework show the power of a crystallographic map: a means to systematically explore crystallographic phase space. In this application we use the map to find saddle points; however, it is my hope that this new tool will lead to the elucidation and prediction of many more crystal phenomena.

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This item is under embargo until September 27, 2025.