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Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Sialosides Containing Modified Sialic Acids for Influenza Virus Research

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Carbohydrates are one of the most abundant organic molecules in nature. The complex structures existing in nature lead to diverse biological functions. Sialic acids (Sias) are a family of nine-carbon acidic monosaccharides. They are the common terminal sugars of glycoconjugates on cell surfaces and are the key components of molecules recognized by various carbohydrate-binding proteins including those from immune cells, bacteria, and viruses.

Neuraminidases (NAs) or sialidases are a large family of glycosidases catalyzing the cleavage of sialic acid. Bacterial and viral NAs play a significant role in the infection of hosts. Annual influenza virus infections continue to be a significant burden to healthcare systems and the economy, which can be eased by the development of rapid and precise influenza virus detection tools and therapeutics. 2,3-Dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac2en) is a transition state analog-based inhibitor against NAs and its 4-amino- and 4-guanidino- (Zanamivir) derivatives have shown to be highly efficient and selective against influenza virus NAs. However, the functions of the corresponding sialosides containing a 4-N-substituted sialic acid are underexplored. We have developed an efficient chemoenzymatic method to access a library of sialosides containing a diverse array of 4-N-substituted sialic acids. High-throughput substrate specificity studies showed that 4-azido-sialic acid, in addition to 4-O-acetyl analog, is selectively cleaved off by influenza A and B NAs. On the other hand, binding assays have indicated that sialosides containing 4-amino- or 4-guanidino-sialic acid are selective inhibitors and affinity ligands for influenza NAs. These 4-N-substituted substrate analogs of NAs thus have diverse potential applications in substrate profiling and affinity purification of influenza virus NAs for diagnostics and improving the development of the NA components of influenza virus vaccines. This study is described in Chapter 2.

In nature, Sias are structurally diverse and have variations at the functional groups linked to the C-5 and modifications at the hydroxyl groups on one or more sites at the C-4, -5, -7, -8, and/or -9 positions. O-Acetylation is a common Sia modification that blocks or is required by specific molecular recognition events. However, O-acetyl groups in sialoglycans are generally unstable towards even small pH changes and they are usually sensitive to esterases. To overcome the structure instability issues of O-acetylated Sias and to explore their diagnostic and therapeutic potentials, we have developed a strategy to replace the O-acetyl group in Sia with a more stable N-acetyl group.

4-O-Acetylated derivatives have been found in horses and guinea pigs but not in pigs or humans. 4-O-Acetyl Neu5Ac (Neu4,5Ac2)-containing oligosaccharides have been found to be the dominant components of the acidic milk oligosaccharides (MOSs) of monotremes such as echidnas and platypus. Its stable 4-N-acetyl analog 4NAcNeu5Ac has been chemically synthesized. In addition, its analog 4-amino-Neu5Ac (4NH2Neu5Ac) was synthesized and used as a chemoenzymatic synthon for constructing a library of 2–3- and 2–6-linked 4NAcNeu5Ac-containing sialosides using a highly efficient in a stepwise one-pot multienzyme (StOPMe) strategy. The obtained sialoglycans were used as stable probes in high-throughput multiplex bead assays. The results showed a general tolerance of 4-N-acetyl modification on sialoside by influenza virus hemagglutinins (HAs), which implies the potential of these sialoside ligands in detecting and purifying influenza HAs and virions. This study is described in Chapter 3. Sialosides containing 7-, and/or 9-O-acetylation, as well as 8-O-acetylated Neu5Ac have also been understudied due to their instability. In order to have a better understanding of their biological functions, the corresponding N-acetylated sialosides were synthesized by my colleagues. I have participated in and contributed to carrying out high-throughput sialidase substrate specificity assays as well as kinetic studies using the sialoside probes with 7- or 8-N-acetylated, or 7,9-di-N-acetylated Neu5Ac to explore their biological functions. This study is described in Chapter 4.

In summary, during my Ph.D. studies, I have dedicated my efforts to exploring the synthesis and functional studies of sialosides with modified sialic acids, especially those with modifications at C-4, and their application in influenza virus research. These research and results have demonstrated that these sialyl glycans are useful and convenient tools to explore the biological functions of those naturally occurring counterparts. I sincerely hope that my research can be applied to the battlefield of human fighting against the flu.

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This item is under embargo until September 13, 2030.