Three Ehrhart Quasi-polynomials
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Let $P(b)\subset R^d$ be a semi-rational parametric polytope, where $b=(b_j)\in R^N$ is a real multi-parameter. We study intermediate sums of polynomial functions $h(x)$ on $P(b)$, $$ S^L (P(b),h)=\sum_{y}\int_{P(b)\cap (y+L)} h(x) \mathrm dx, $$ where we integrate over the intersections of $P(b)$ with the subspaces parallel to a fixed rational subspace $L$ through all lattice points, and sum the integrals. The purely discrete sum is of course a particular case. The chambers are the open conical subsets of $R^N$ such that the shape of $P(b)$ does not change when $b$ runs over a chamber. We first prove that on every chamber of $R^N$, $S^L (P(b),h)$ is given by a quasi-polynomial function of $b\in R^N$. A key point of our paper is an analysis of the interplay between two notions of degree on quasi-polynomials: the usual polynomial degree and a filtration, called the local degree. Then, for a fixed $k\leq d$, we consider a particular linear combination of such intermediate weighted sums, which was introduced by Barvinok in order to compute efficiently the $k+1$ highest coefficients of the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial which gives the number of points of a dilated rational polytope. Thus, for each chamber, we obtain a quasi-polynomial function of $b$, which we call Barvinok's patched quasi-polynomial (at codimension level $k$). Finally, for each chamber, we introduce a new quasi-polynomial function of $b$, the cone-by-cone patched quasi-polynomial (at codimension level $k$), defined in a refined way by linear combinations of intermediate generating functions for the cones at vertices of $P(b)$. We prove that both patched quasi-polynomials agree with the discrete weighted sum $b\mapsto S^0(P(b),h)$ in the terms corresponding to the $k+1$ highest polynomial degrees.