Combinatorics of $(\ell,0)$-JM partitions, $\ell$-cores, the ladder crystal and the
finite Hecke algebra
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The following thesis contains results on the combinatorial representation theory of the finite Hecke algebra $H_n(q)$. In Chapter 2 simple combinatorial descriptions are given which determine when a Specht module corresponding to a partition $\lambda$ is irreducible. This is done by extending the results of James and Mathas. These descriptions depend on the crystal of the basic representation of the affine Lie algebra $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_\ell}$. In Chapter 3 these results are extended to determine which irreducible modules have a realization as a Specht module. To do this, a new condition of irreducibility due to Fayers is combined with a new description of the crystal from Chapter 2. In Chapter 4 a bijection of cores first described by myself and Monica Vazirani is studied in more depth. Various descriptions of it are given, relating to the quotient $\widetilde{S_\ell}/{S_\ell}$ and to the bijection given by Lapointe and Morse.