Harnessing the Spin-Degree of Freedom of Spin-Orbit Materials in Time, Energy, Momentum, and Real-Space
- Ciocys, Samuel Thomas
- Advisor(s): Lanzara, Alessandra
My PhD experience has been focused on identifying and pursuing gaps in the understanding and implementation of spin-based phenomena. I primarily focus on Bi2Se3, due to its pervasiveness in the literature, safe and low-cost constituent elements, as well as the fact that its remarkably simple topological band structure functions as an ideal testbed for spin-momentumlocked physics.
The ideal spintronic material should have spin-orbit coupling that can be easily and reversibly tuned on ultrafast timescales. From the viewpoint of an ARPES experimentalist, ultrafast infrared pulses are a logical choice for implementing picosecond modifications. Furthermore, the effect of light on Rashba and topological systems has not fully transitioned from material characterization into the realm of engineered systems. For the first portion of my studies, I engineered Rashba-split quantum well states on the surface of a topological insulator and demonstrated the precise control of the spin and energy degrees of freedom as well as the density of states at the Fermi level. Chapters 2 through 5 represent the bulk of my PhD controlling surface band bending to generate ultrafast surface fields in topological insulators. These chapters follow a single coherent and chronological journey from my personal recognition of the effect (Ch. 2) to the exploration of the surface dipole effect on electron trajectory (Ch. 3) to the engineering of the SPV to drive ultrafast electric-field induced changes in quantum well states (Ch. 4 and Ch. 5). The unprecedented control of nearly all aspects of the band structure using photons presents a foundation for coupling spintronic and photonic systems, essential for integrating fiber optic communications with future spin-based devices.
Additionally, I pursue the issue no one wants to talk about for quantum material applications: scaling growth methods while preserving essential properties. This has been one of the main sticking points in not only 2D material fabrication (think mass graphene production or twistronic applications) but also for 3D bulk systems that depend heavily on single crystal quality. In my pursuit of understanding spin-orbit coupling in amorphous topological insulators, my collaborators and I discovered spin-momentum locking in amorphous Bi2Se3 grown through scalable room-temperature thermal evaporation. Chapter 6 details my work investigating strongly dispersive band structures in amorphous materials and the implications to amorphous topology and fermiology. These efforts demonstrate that spin-momentum locking can exist in the amorphous state, and provide an avenue for extracting the same momentum-dependent physics in crystals but for the much larger (and production-feasible)material category of non-crystalline matter.
Finally, Chapter 7 continues in my motivation to expand real-world applications for spin-polarized materials. Solid state spin-filters can be applied to free electrons in vacuum, an intriguing prospect that has implications for spin-resolved microscopy/spectroscopy techniques and has been pursued for decades. I present my work leading a team to design a prototype transmission spin-filter for free electrons. I go over the methods we have developed and optimized to measure electron transmission through membranes and our successful attempts at growing ultrathin free-standing magnetic films, resulting in a groundbreaking spin-filter prototype.