Achieving Plant Resistance to Pseudomonas syringae through Natural Diversity of Immune Receptors and Rational Design of ZAR1 Recognition Pathways
- Diplock, Nathan
- Advisor(s): Lewis, Jennifer D;
- Gu, Yangnan
Plant pathogens cause significant crop losses, and current pathogen control methods are often detrimental to human and environmental health. Identifying pathogen resistance in cultivars or wild relatives of crops remains the primary approach for achieving pathogen resistance. However, mining natural resistance is time consuming, and population level resistance may not exist for emerging pathogens. As an alternative to traditional resistance breeding, natural molecular diversity can be used to understand the “rules” governing pathogen recognition, which can enable the design of novel resistance within existing recognition frameworks.The intracellular angiosperm immune receptor, HOPZ-ACTIVATED RESISTANCE 1 (ZAR1), recognizes a remarkable diversity of pathogen secreted proteins, known as type 3 secreted effectors (T3SE). ZAR1 interacts with and monitors RLCKs for T3SE modification, including HOPZ ETI-DEFICIENT 1 (ZED1) and ZED1-RELATED KINASES (ZRKs). By monitoring diverse RLCKs, ZAR1 mediates broad immunodiversity through indirect effector interaction. Moreover, ZAR1 is the most highly conserved plant NLR described to date, suggesting the mechanism ZAR1 uses to recognize effectors is effective and warrants further investigation. Chapter 1 introduces the rationale for my approach using natural protein diversity to understand the molecular mechanisms of plant pathogen resistance. In Chapter 2, I describe a natural diversity screen using Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes to investigate the molecular mechanism of ZAR1 and ZED1-mediated recognition of the Pseudomonas syringae T3SE HopZ1a. This work demonstrates key regions in ZAR1 that are required for ZED1 interaction and HopZ1a recognition. In Chapter 3, I used natural protein diversity of A. thaliana RLCKs to investigate ZAR1 interaction specificity. I showed that single mutations in ZAR1 guardees can increase interaction strength with ZAR1, which is a crucial first step towards rational design of a ZAR1 guardee. Moreover, I showed that a Nicotiana benthamiana ZAR1 ortholog causes an autoactive HR phenotype in response to expression of certain A. thaliana ZRKs. In Chapter 4, I generated a ZED1 point mutant library, and screened for HopZ1a recognition through A. thaliana ZAR1 and a Nicotiana benthamiana ZAR1 ortholog. While I 1 identified some functional divergence between ZAR1 orthologs, these ZAR1 orthologs are highly similar. I identified multiple mutations that abolish interspecies ZAR1-ZRK autoactivity. I also identified a mutation in ZED1 that abolishes autoactivity through tomato ZAR1, while still maintaining the ability to mediate HopZ1a recognition through tomato ZAR1. This advance is the first example of rational expansion of effector recognition through ZAR1 orthologs from non-model species. In Chapter 5, I explored natural resistance to the highly virulent bacterial pathogen P. syringae pv. tomato race 1 (Pst race 1). Using a mapping population created by crossing a resistant wild tomato relative Solanum pimpinellifolium with a susceptible cultivated tomato variety, I used a novel sequencing approach to identify candidate genes contributing to Pst race 1 resistance. Traditional QTL mapping approaches assisted in narrowing down the list of candidate genes, for future evaluation in breeding programs. In Chapter 6, I used single chain antibodies to attempt to achieve ZAR1 activation through antigen binding. Using two linker design approaches, I generated ZRK-GFP nanobody fusions with tailored conformations. I showed that ZRK-GFP nanobody fusions can successfully interact with ZAR1 and the GFP antigen. Although no ZRK-GFP nanobody fusions activate ZAR1 in the presence of the GFP antigen, future protein design tools may enable the success of this approach. Overall, the work presented here elucidates key molecular mechanisms of ZAR1 mediated recognition of P. syringae effectors by leveraging natural diversity. It identifies candidate genes contributing to P. syringae resistance in a tomato mapping population. Finally, it explores approaches to novel ZAR1-mediated effector recognition.