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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Real-Time Origin-Destination (OD) Estimation via Anonymous Vehicle Tracking

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With the advent of advanced transportation management and information systems (ATMIS), increasing attention is being paid to the estimation of dynamic or time-variant OD matrices. The development of improved methods for the derivation of OD-based real time traffic information is integral to the analysis of transportation systems and various ATMIS strategies involving traveler information systems and route guidance, dynamic traffic assignment and adaptive traffic signal control. This paper describes a systematic simulation investigation of the performance and feasibility of anonymous vehicle tracking in signalized networks using the Paramics simulation model. Previous research experience with vehicle reidentification techniques on single roadway segments is used to investigate the performance obtainable from tracking individual vehicles across multiple detector stations through a network to obtain real-time OD path flow information such as travel time and volume. The findings of this and subsequent studies serve as a logical and necessary precursor to possible field implementation in signalized networks of vehicle reidentification techniques.

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