Grazing and soil carbon: A social-ecological analysis of adaptive-multi paddock grazing on California rangelands
- Stanley, Paige Lauren
- Advisor(s): Bowles, Timothy;
- Huntsinger, Lynn
Rangelands are landscapes of uncertainty. Their management as “extensive” yet expansive agricultural landscapes is challenged by high temporal and spatial variability alongside unprecedented climatic, economic, and cultural uncertainties, including reliance on annual grasses with highly seasonal and variable NPP, increasingly common and worsening drought conditions, policy change and impacts, and a growing anti-cattle sentiment among some groups. Cattle overgrazing, along with intensification, has contributed to the significant loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) on rangelands, turning one of the most important terrestrial carbon sinks into a source of CO2. While well managed grazing could help to sequester SOC and aid in climate change mitigation, the impact of grazing on rangeland SOC on, including how to measure SOC change with such high spatial heterogeneity, is understudied and poorly understood. Further, ultimately climate change mitigation relies on widespread adoption by ranchers, who are situated within complex social-ecological systems and must be responsive not only to ecological uncertainties (such as drought), but also to social and economic uncertainties such as changing social norms, declining profitability, and precarious land access. My dissertation research combined optimizing analytical measurement of SOC on rangelands, an ecological assessment of the impact of different forms of grazing management on SOC, and a social science approach to understand both the factors driving adoption of grazing management practices for SOC sequestration as well as the barriers and challenges ranchers face.
The first chapter of my dissertation examined the challenges of measuring SOC on heterogeneous agricultural landscapes. Using soil samples from California crop and rangelands, I analyzed how spatial heterogeneity, analytical variability, compositing, and statistical analyses affects the power, reliability, and validity of SOC measurements. I demonstrate that (1) spatial heterogeneity is a primary driver of uncertainty; (2) dry combustion analyzers have relatively low uncertainty, although inorganic C can increase error; (3) Student’s t-test and its relatives can be unreliable for drawing inferences about changes in SOC stocks; and (4) in heterogeneous agricultural landscapes, common sample sizes of 10–30 cores cannot reliably detect the modest changes in SOC that a few years of common management interventions are expected to produce. Results highlight the challenges of measuring small SOC changes on highly heterogeneous rangelands. Lastly, I recommend several improvements that will be necessary for reliably monitoring SOC, especially for research and C markets, including using a priori spatial information to determine necessary sample sizes, minimizing compositing, and using non-parametric statistical tests in scenarios where t-tests may be unreliable.
Chapters 2 and 3 of my dissertation focused on adaptive multi-paddock (AMP) grazing, which is a form of short-duration, high intensity grazing that centers principles such as adaptive management, animal rotations and incorporating pasture rest. AMP ranchers are often associated with Holistic Management (HM), which is a decision making framework and training program that teaches ranchers AMP grazing practices alongside principles such as systems based thinking for managing complexity, ecological monitoring, and maximizing flexibility and adaptability. Both AMP grazing and HM have been the subject of much research interest, but studies have been conducted in ecological and social science disciplinary silos. In Chapter 2, I investigated the impact of AMP grazing on SOC stocks, SOC stabilization in four functionally distinct soil organic matter fractions, and plant community composition across northern California rangelands. My results demonstrate that, compared to conventionally (CONV) grazed ranches, three of four AMP grazed ranches contain significantly greater SOC in surface soils, and two of four contain significantly greater SOC stocks down to 100cm. The greater SOC on AMP grazed ranches was contained in the MAOM fraction, which is the most persistent form of SOC, with implications for climate change mitigation. Plant community composition varied by site – some AMP grazed ranches had greater composition of perennial vs annual grasses and overall less bare ground, but these findings were not universal.
Lastly, in Chapter 3, I conducted semi-structured interviews with AMP and CONV ranchers to understand how AMP grazing relates to ranchers’ mental models, including decision making processes, motivations, barriers, and how the combination of AMP-HM helps these ranchers respond to increasing challenges and uncertainties. Our findings suggest that AMP-HM shifts ranchers' approaches towards ones that involve more ‘holistic,’ systems based thinking, in two ways: 1) through its emphasis on monitoring combined with increased interaction with their land and animals, which changes the ways ranchers see and understand their management, and 2) by increasing ranchers’ agency to operationalize these new mental models through its decision making framework and trainings. Together, these two facets culminate in a common suite of strategies used by AMP-HM ranchers, which they view as key to ranching profitably and sustainably in the face of climatic, economic, and cultural challenges.
Altogether, this dissertation highlights the measurement needs for monitoring, and the grazing management opportunities, for increasing SOC on California rangelands. The social-ecological approach taken in this research also illuminates ranchers’ experiences with AMP grazing management and SOC sequestration, which will help improve will world applicability of this research. Importantly, results of this work demonstrate the opportunity for sequestering and stabilizing SOC through AMP grazing management on California rangelands – which could bolster climate change mitigation efforts and improve ranchers’ ability to sustain future uncertainties.