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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

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Predicting the future of forests under global change: the critical role of regeneration processes

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Climate change, land use, and intensifying natural disturbance regimes are affecting forests globally. Earth system models (ESMs) must predict forest responses to these global changes to simulate future climate, hydrology, and ecosystem dynamics. The Earth system modeling community is increasingly using vegetation demographic models (VDMs) to simulate vegetation dynamics in ESMs. VDMs explicitly represent tree growth, mortality and recruitment, enabling advances in the projection of forest vulnerability and resilience, as well as evaluation with field data. Predicting future forests requires understanding if, where, and how forest communities will be resilient to global change through regeneration processes such as allocation to reproduction, dispersal, and seedling survival. Simulation of regeneration processes has received far less attention than simulation of processes that affect mature tree growth and mortality in spite of its critical role in maintaining forest structure, facilitating turnover in forest composition over space and time, enabling recovery from disturbance, and regulating climate-driven range shifts. The role of forest regeneration processes is particularly important in California where intensifying fire regimes and climate change are reducing conifer seedling recruitment and causing concern that vegetation regime shifts will push conifer forests towards more shrub-dominated ecosystems.

This dissertation advances empirical understanding and modeling infrastructure for predicting how forest regeneration processes will mediate changes in forest distribution, structure, and functional composition (i.e. “forest responses”) in response to global change. It is structured around three papers, two of which were previously published (Chapters 1 and 2). Chapter 1 critically reviews how forest regeneration processes are currently represented in VDMs and makes recommendations for advancing model algorithms and parameterizations. This critical review finds that regeneration processes are not currently represented sufficiently to capture how regeneration will mediate changes in future forest distribution, structure, and functional composition. There is a need to improve parameter values and algorithms for reproductive allocation, dispersal, environmental filtering in the seedling layer, and tree regeneration strategies adapted to wind, fire, and anthropogenic disturbance regimes. These improvements will require synthesis of existing data, specific field data collection protocols, such as long-term forest monitoring plots that identify individuals to species, and novel model algorithms compatible with global scale simulations.

Chapter 2 draws upon the insights and conclusions from Chapter 1 to develop a new modeling scheme, the Tree Recruitment Scheme (TRS), for simulating environmentally sensitive tree recruitment in VDMs. We evaluate the TRS by predicting tree recruitment for four tropical tree functional types under varying meteorology and canopy structure at Barro Colorado Island, Panama. By comparing TRS predictions to those of a current VDM, quantitative observations, and ecological expectations we find that it improves the magnitude and rank order of recruitment rates among four tropical tree plant functional types (PFTs). It also captures recruitment limitations in response to variable understory light, soil moisture, and changing precipitation regimes. These results indicate that adopting this framework will improve VDM capacity to predict PFT-specific tree recruitment in response to climate change, thereby improving predictions of future forest distribution, composition, and function. We implement the TRS in a leading VDM, the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES). Technical documentation for this implementation is provided in Appendix A.

Chapter 3 uses remote sensing and machine learning to analyze how changing climate and fire regimes in California are affecting long-term, post-fire conifer forest regeneration.. We quantify decadal-scale variation in post-fire conifer canopy recovery in 44 burned areas throughout California’s Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains, and Interior Coast Ranges and use generalized additive models to identify key drivers of recovery outcomes. The work in this chapter shows that post-fire conifer canopy recovery is reduced after higher severity fire, in areas that re-burned within 32 years, and when mean annual precipitation in the first three years after fire falls below 1,000 mm yr-1. This extends the spatio-temporal scope of prior work focused on shorter term post-fire seedling regeneration by providing insight into what drives more persistent changes in forest structure. It also provides a valuable dataset for benchmarking predictions of forest responses to changing fire regimes and supports prior hypotheses that increasingly intense fire regimes will negatively affect post-fire conifer regeneration, likely leading to an increase in the area dominated by shrubs.

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This item is under embargo until September 27, 2026.