Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: School of Law

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8ct1257hSymbolic Sexuality and Economic Work in Dominica, West Indies: The Naturalization of Sex and Women's Work in Development50845040.8%
9m96b29gMemory experts’ beliefs about repressed memory3633144986.5%
8qb8v2k4DIRTY DEBTS SOLD DIRT CHEAP28015013053.6%
4xt2f1q4Emotion and False Memory2267415232.7%
53c7773fMisinformation – past, present, and future2251804580.0%
2h1562k3Convicting with confidence? Why we should not over-rely on eyewitness confidence2151942190.2%
7w616491“When perhaps the real problem is money itself!”: the practical materiality of Bitcoin2125415825.5%
6vr6m6hbThe Anthropology of Money2102818213.3%
34d2k097Who is susceptible in three false memory tasks?1971821592.4%
50h3w3pnSleep Deprivation and False Memories1706410637.6%
48p7n1zrMemory Errors in Alibi Generation: How an Alibi Can Turn Against Us150141994.0%
6c76p3znAn Emerging Platform: From Money Transfer System to Mobile Money Ecosystem142133993.7%
8x59267fMateriality, Symbol, and Complexity in the Anthropology of Money141499234.8%
1qx3k0s1A Brief History of Pelican Bay13901390.0%
7n03q9z0Introduction: Politics and Gender in Modern Societies13241283.0%
6ft8k7szTort Negligence, Cost-Benefit Analysis and Tradeoffs: A Closer Look at the Controversy12571185.6%
8mt371n9The Disunity of Finance: Alternatives Practices to Western Finance1171610113.7%
3db064ttThe Most Restrictive Alternative: A Litigation History of Solitary Confinement in U.S. Prisons, 1960-2006116793768.1%
6j92z9k3The Trauma Model of Dissociation: Inconvenient Truths and Stubborn Fictions. Comment on Dalenberg et al. (2012)1141011388.6%
8xp416w9False Memories for Fake News During Ireland’s Abortion Referendum113545947.8%
2w7580vpThe Intractability of Inaccurate Eyewitness Identification111159613.5%
6019z7z2Individual differences in false memory from misinformation: Cognitive factors109535648.6%
2zf0j5zrForensic Science and Miscarriages of Justice102475546.1%
9k92k30mLetter to the Editor— Context Management Toolbox: A Linear Sequential Unmasking (LSU) Approach for Minimizing Cognitive Bias in Forensic Decision Making101703169.3%
5jw41650Between Profit and Principle: The Private Public Interest Firm97148314.4%
4cm5r8g0Mobile Money: Communication, Consumption and Change in the Payments Space95296630.5%
0s32q793Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change929839.8%
37f6z9j1Regulatory Fragmentation: An Unexamined Barrier to Species Conservation Under Climate Change917847.7%
30s4b9cwIn the Matter of Marxism905855.6%
6zp637b9Pandemics and infodemics: Research on the effects of misinformation on memory90177318.9%
52z7c1cmSitus and Domicile in Choice of Law for Succession Issues861851.2%
4f4670q3The messy landscape of eye movements and false memories84186621.4%
66x622zdThe Effects of Exposure to Differing Amounts of Misinformation and Source Credibility Perception on Source Monitoring and Memory Accuracy78562271.8%
2cz551wtGoverning complexity: Integrating science, governance, and law to manage accelerating change in the globalized commons7586710.7%
8fg9w5h1Science, Technology, Society, and Law75126316.0%
0zn5j6g5Belief in Unconscious Repressed Memory Persists683654.4%
21t1w1vcWhat happens after debriefing? The effectiveness and benefits of postexperimental debriefing68462267.6%
23g465kbRegarding Champod, editorial: “Research focused mainly on bias will paralyse forensic science”671661.5%
81x6m9btExperimentation on Prisoners: Persistent Dilemmas in Rights and Regulations66372956.1%
93c703tdTransition Coverage and Clarity in Self-Insured Corporate Health Insurance Benefit Plans660660.0%
65t947rcInterpreting eyewitness confidence: Numeric, verbal, and graded verbal scales65313447.7%
42b6r5vdUnconscious Repressed Memory Is Scientifically Questionable6460493.8%
47t729vcThe subtle effects of implicit bias instructions64343053.1%
1j02425xThe Conceptual Structure of Consent in Criminal Law6354985.7%
4qr081sgPolicy Levers in Patent Law62273543.5%
8d0226zhAre the "memory wars" over? A scientist-practitioner gap in beliefs about repressed memory.61332854.1%
3mc1304fCheap Creativity and What It Will Do59362361.0%
7fh678d6Social Payments: Innovation, Trust, Bitcoin, and the Sharing Economy59411869.5%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.