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Parent: Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
1td5b9bsLikely Effects of a $15 Federal Minimum Wage by 202426445708267
0xz8g59xEffects of a $15 Minimum Wage in California and Fresno25270767234
3xg5b3szThe Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage in New York State19744536040
47r05658Increasing the Minimum Wage in San Jose: Benefits and Costs11715144246
5d2877hjThe Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage by 2019 in San Jose and Santa Clara County10023372317
4h9850c1The Employment Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage in the U.S. and in Mississippi: A Simulation Approach9427272614
4th435htTen Dollars or Thirteen Dollars? Comparing the Effects of State Minimum Wage Increases in California8018212417
3xb4152jNew York City’s Gig Driver Pay Standard: Effects on Drivers, Passengers, and the Companies7117281511
1fw4q65gA Minimum Compensation Standard for Seattle TNC Drivers511013199
9j3565x5The New Wave of Local Minimum Wage Policies: Evidence from Six Cities511391811
0vv904d3Credible research designs for minimum wage studies33102516
9fc8q8jzThe Proposed Minimum Wage Law for Los Angeles: Economic Impacts and Policy Options31101263
3m1028h9The Effects of Proposition 22 on Driver Earnings: Response to a Lyft-Funded Report by Dr. Christopher Thornberg2887112
0ws770txAssembly Labor & Employment Committee hearing for AB 1439225566
93q6d4rcMassachusetts Uber/Lyft Ballot Proposition Would Create Subminimum Wage: Drivers Could Earn as Little as $4.82 an Hour228194
6pc2m3cjHigh Unemployment After the Great Recession: Why? What Can We Do?216474
5q0593k6Data and Methods for Estimating the Impact of Proposed Local Minimum Wage Laws194762
5zj7k9bsSeattle’s Minimum Wage Experience 2015-16184581
8sr7p7r6Contra Costa County’s Proposed Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Impact Study173662
5cz4n3mtThe Mayor of Los Angeles’ Proposed City Minimum Wage Policy: A Prospective Impact Study163562
8m46g9zkComparison of two Seattle TNC driver studies15537
30q7p9h0A post-Great Recession overview of labor market trends in the United States and California141292
0bz5b17xA Depressive State: Assessing California’s Labor Market Four Years after the Onset of the Great Recession13472
4c16v6zfUnemployment Short-Term and Long: Problems and Policy Proposals132353
63p2387pProductivity Impact of Health Care Reform in California13634
428737v1The Truth about Public Employees in California: They are Neither Overpaid nor Overcompensated121272
8q88q336San Francisco’s Proposed City Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Impact Study124161
0510c5pcEstimated Impact of a Proposed Minimum Wage Law for Sacramento11515
9t42p25tData and Methods for Estimating the Impact of Proposed Local Minimum Wage Laws11164
8w70c6cxLegislative testimony regarding SB 935103151
19f3z2spAn Oversight Hearing on the State’s Role in Addressing Income and Wealth Inequality9324
5gz267s9Fact Sheet: Estimated Impact of San Diego’s Proposed Minimum Wage Law936
9zh383nrThe Severe Crisis of Jobs in the United States and California9162
81g6h3s4The Impact of Oakland’s Proposed City Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Study8314
1070w4vzThe Wrong Target: Public Sector Unions and State Budget Deficits6213
1fq2x26gCalifornia’s Labor Market: Eight Years Post-Great-Recession615
4bz434t22003 California Establishment Survey: Preliminary Results on Employer Based Healthcare Reform6141
4qh9v3g4Workers and the COVID-19 Recession: Trends in UI Claims & Benefits, Jobs, and Unemployment651
463970rhData and Methods for Estimating the Impact of Proposed Local Minimum Wage Laws413

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.