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Parent: Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1td5b9bsLikely Effects of a $15 Federal Minimum Wage by 20242642412391.3%
0xz8g59xEffects of a $15 Minimum Wage in California and Fresno2524720518.7%
3xg5b3szThe Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage in New York State1972617113.2%
47r05658Increasing the Minimum Wage in San Jose: Benefits and Costs117209717.1%
5d2877hjThe Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage by 2019 in San Jose and Santa Clara County100287228.0%
4h9850c1The Employment Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage in the U.S. and in Mississippi: A Simulation Approach94177718.1%
4th435htTen Dollars or Thirteen Dollars? Comparing the Effects of State Minimum Wage Increases in California80126815.0%
3xb4152jNew York City’s Gig Driver Pay Standard: Effects on Drivers, Passengers, and the Companies7186311.3%
1fw4q65gA Minimum Compensation Standard for Seattle TNC Drivers513485.9%
9j3565x5The New Wave of Local Minimum Wage Policies: Evidence from Six Cities51193237.3%
0vv904d3Credible research designs for minimum wage studies332316.1%
9fc8q8jzThe Proposed Minimum Wage Law for Los Angeles: Economic Impacts and Policy Options3172422.6%
3m1028h9The Effects of Proposition 22 on Driver Earnings: Response to a Lyft-Funded Report by Dr. Christopher Thornberg2891932.1%
0ws770txAssembly Labor & Employment Committee hearing for AB 14392241818.2%
93q6d4rcMassachusetts Uber/Lyft Ballot Proposition Would Create Subminimum Wage: Drivers Could Earn as Little as $4.82 an Hour2241818.2%
6pc2m3cjHigh Unemployment After the Great Recession: Why? What Can We Do?2141719.0%
5q0593k6Data and Methods for Estimating the Impact of Proposed Local Minimum Wage Laws190190.0%
5zj7k9bsSeattle’s Minimum Wage Experience 2015-161871138.9%
8sr7p7r6Contra Costa County’s Proposed Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Impact Study1751229.4%
5cz4n3mtThe Mayor of Los Angeles’ Proposed City Minimum Wage Policy: A Prospective Impact Study1631318.8%
8m46g9zkComparison of two Seattle TNC driver studies151146.7%
30q7p9h0A post-Great Recession overview of labor market trends in the United States and California1421214.3%
0bz5b17xA Depressive State: Assessing California’s Labor Market Four Years after the Onset of the Great Recession1321115.4%
4c16v6zfUnemployment Short-Term and Long: Problems and Policy Proposals130130.0%
63p2387pProductivity Impact of Health Care Reform in California130130.0%
428737v1The Truth about Public Employees in California: They are Neither Overpaid nor Overcompensated121118.3%
8q88q336San Francisco’s Proposed City Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Impact Study1221016.7%
0510c5pcEstimated Impact of a Proposed Minimum Wage Law for Sacramento113827.3%
9t42p25tData and Methods for Estimating the Impact of Proposed Local Minimum Wage Laws113827.3%
8w70c6cxLegislative testimony regarding SB 935100100.0%
19f3z2spAn Oversight Hearing on the State’s Role in Addressing Income and Wealth Inequality92722.2%
5gz267s9Fact Sheet: Estimated Impact of San Diego’s Proposed Minimum Wage Law91811.1%
9zh383nrThe Severe Crisis of Jobs in the United States and California9090.0%
81g6h3s4The Impact of Oakland’s Proposed City Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Study84450.0%
1070w4vzThe Wrong Target: Public Sector Unions and State Budget Deficits62433.3%
1fq2x26gCalifornia’s Labor Market: Eight Years Post-Great-Recession61516.7%
4bz434t22003 California Establishment Survey: Preliminary Results on Employer Based Healthcare Reform61516.7%
4qh9v3g4Workers and the COVID-19 Recession: Trends in UI Claims & Benefits, Jobs, and Unemployment6060.0%
463970rhData and Methods for Estimating the Impact of Proposed Local Minimum Wage Laws4040.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.