SITC Research Briefs

Parent: University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8z89p4s8Domestic Dynamics30823060.6%
1hw200dwInnovation in the Interwar Years2743523912.8%
1wm202shA Comparative Study of Global Fighter Development Timelines1924514723.4%
7fz773rxThe Type 054/054A Frigate Series: China’s All-Purpose Surface Combatant1893315617.5%
2js0c5r8SITC Bulletin Analysis: China's Space Robotic Arms Programs1852216311.9%
0m36465pResearch, Development, and Acquisition in China’s Aviation Industry: The J-10 Fighter and Pterodactyl UAV1483011820.3%
84v3d66kChinese Defense Industry Reforms and Their Implications for US-China Military Technological Competition117496841.9%
6f26w11mEnabling Information-Based System of System Operations: The Research, Development, and Acquisition Process for the Integrated Command Platform114268822.8%
29n4c3jvDefense Innovation and Industrialization in South Korea1037966.8%
7vp2x155Military-Technological Innovation in Small States: The Cases of Israel and Singapore100188218.0%
43m5m3gpUS–China Military Technological Competition and the Making of Chinese Weapons Development Strategies and Plans93464749.5%
5cr8j76sFrameworks for Analyzing Chinese Defense and Military Innovation74274736.5%
66n8s5brNew Frontiers of Chinese Defense Innovation: Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technologies73235031.5%
2pq268gzBest Frenemies Forever: Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies, and China–US Strategic Competition64164825.0%
5qg340x3Surveying China’s Science and Technology Human Talents Programs64352954.7%
1712q1h0China's Civil-Military Integration60253541.7%
9x38n9b3SITC Bulletin Analysis: Additive Manufacturing in China: Threats, Opportunities, and Developments (Part I)542523.7%
4t07267hThe Israeli Approach to Defense Innovation53124122.6%
7h12120mSITC Bulletin Analysis: Additive Manufacturing in China: Aviation and Aerospace Applications (Part 2)5294317.3%
30h2t8trChina’s Talent Recruitment Programs: The Road to a Nobel Prize and World Hegemony in Science?51183335.3%
4dp213kdThe Role of Foreign Technology Transfers in China’s Defense Research, Development, and Acquisition Process51232845.1%
1839q9q8SITC Bulletin Analysis: The Tianhe-2 Supercomputer: Less than Meets the Eye?5084216.0%
3d0795p8On Military Innovation: Toward an Analytical Framework5084216.0%
67x812nhSITC Bulletin Analysis: China's Dream Army504468.0%
1958g0f9North Korea’s Approach to Defense Innovation: Foreign Absorption, Domestic Innovation, and the Nuclear and Ballistic Weapons Industrial Base48153331.3%
7c75995rHow China’s Defense Innovation System Is Advancing the Country’s Military Technological Rise48123625.0%
9xs4q8rnSITC Bulletin Analysis: University of Strathclyde and CALT Launch Joint Laboratory4864212.5%
08m367ztAirSea Battle and Escalation Risks4754210.6%
43v5v0ntInnovation in China’s Defense Research, Development, and Acquisition System4793819.1%
3wt3613vAssessing the State of Understanding of Defense Innovation4654110.9%
037138xtA Quest for Autonomy and Excellence: The Defense Innovation Systems of France and Sweden4363714.0%
0754362rA Framework for Examining Long-Term Strategic Competition Between Major Powers4183319.5%
1tw930nfThe PLA's Second Artillery Force as a Customer of China's Defense Industry41122929.3%
7w69j12vLocating China’s Place in the Global Defense Economy4183319.5%
00p6c0v8Long-Term Strategic Competition Between the United States and China in Military Aviation40152537.5%
170219mpCritical Factors in Enabling Defense Innovation: A Systems Perspective40122830.0%
3dq7x6d2Contemporary Chinese Defense Industry Reforms and Civil–Military Integration in Three Key Organizations3873118.4%
9vb3c01tChina’s Nuclear Weapons Program and the Chinese Research, Development, and Acquisition System3753213.5%
0712b02zEvolution and System Characteristics of China’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies3572820.0%
9140j98kUS-China Competition, the Third Offset Strategy, and Implications for the Global Arms Industry34102429.4%
2rb591mxAccessing Future Flashpoints in the South China Sea3372621.2%
5dd6x16qThe China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and the Concept of Integrated Innovation: A Case Study32102231.3%
9bp5v4z7The Very Healthy US Defense Innovation System323299.4%
5sf691qtChanging Military Dynamics in East Asia: Australia’s Evolving Grand Strategy3142712.9%
7m5154nmExplaining Varying Asian Responses to China: Strategic Evolution in the Cases of Japan, Korea, and Thailand3152616.1%
9v77h5zmTrends in the Development of China’s Aviation Industry3172422.6%
6q33s2smThe J-20 Fighter Aircraft and the State of China's Defense Science, Technology, and Innovation Potential2982127.6%
8824981cChina’s Evolving Space and Missile Industry2962320.7%
2tr126jkSITC Bulletin Analysis: Supercomputing and Energy in China: How Investment in HPC Affects Oil Security2872125.0%
8sh4b570China’s Defense Research, Development, and Acquisition in the Ordnance Sector: A Multiple Launch Rocket System Case Study2781929.6%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.