Editorial Board 2010-2011
Andrew Lau | Amy Liu
Melissa L. Millora
Book Review Editors
Nicole Mirra | Dalena Hunter
Student Advisory Board
Kim Anderson | Melanie Bertrand
Elizabeth González Cárdenas | Irene Chang
Roderic Crooks | Marcela Cuellar
Tanya Figueroa | Juan Garibay
Ulia Gosart | Aletha Harven
Sarah Jean Johnson | Marc Johnston
Allison Kanny | David Kasch
Patrick Keilty | Claire Kennedy
Stephanie Kim | Ashley Long
Llanet Martin | Mary Martinez-Wenzl
Susan McKibben | Arda Melkonian
Doris Melkonian | Christopher Newman
Avery Olson | Amy Pojar
Kimberly Rosenfeld | Megan Schaedel
Yen Ling Shek | Ana K. Soltero Lopez
Susan Swarts | Anne Vo
Dayna Weintraub | Fanny Yeung
Faculty Advisors
Johanna Drucker, Bernard and Martin Breslauer Professor of Information StudiesSandra Harding, Professor of Education and Women's Studies
Funding provided by the UCLA Graduate Students Association and the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies.